PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Official letter from Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA.

8 min read

The office of Twic East Community denounced the act of interest group who had announced that there will be “Twic East Community Mega-Conference in the United States will be held in Omaha, Nebraska on November 10, 2012.” Which was authorized by the following people, namely: David Kuol Anyieth, Gabriel Paker Ajang, Peter Magai Bul, and then posted on: To Twic citizens, you all need to be aware that, it is totally unrecognized group meeting who are trying to hijack, scam or forge  the name of the really Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA which had been registered as a Non-Profit Organization. According to our knowledge of non-profit organization rules, these people are playing against the bylaws. So to you all Dinka Twi citizens, if you believe in Twic independency and freedom and  not pro-Dinka Bor or Greater Bor ideology of Borism and Borization in expenses of our ancestors’ identity so that announced meeting is not for you it’s for those who deny their own identity (Twic) thinking we cannot survive on our own as people and county .

We think it is better for you not to smear your own image within your ancestor tribe of Dinka Twi by joining that event; it is our brotherly and sisterly advice. In addition to that, these people are playing against South Sudan constitution which stated, “The Transitional Constitution of South Sudan, 2011 article 33 stipulates the Rights of Ethnic and Cultural Communities citing that ‘Ethnic and cultural communities shall have the right to freely enjoy and develop their particular cultures. Members of such communities shall have the right to practice their beliefs, use their languages, observe their religions and raise their children within the context of their respective cultures and customs in accordance with the Constitution and the Law.” The reason why we have mentioned the above South Sudanese Transitional Constitution is to let you know that as a loyal citizen of Dinka Twic, nothing will take away our ancestors’ identity because our people right is being protected, and at the same time, we are on right side of Dinka tribe factual history.

If you believe in our county Twic East county independency, we advise you not to join Omaha meeting,  because it’s organize by people who are been known for undermining  our Twic Dinka people identity, projects and activities. We have statements and records of them refusing formation of Twic community in USA and favoring Dinka Bor or Greater Bor name that is not based on a factual and truthful of these tribes’ differences when it comes to Dinka tribe history. The only thing they have on their side is lying and bias attempts purposely to destroy the Twic East Community for the sake of their own interests. In other hand too, it’s a fact that they are being employed through that ideology. By attending Omaha meeting or organization affairs, you have to bear in mind that, as an office of Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA, you’re supporting an illegal events according to non-profit organization where there’s an attempt to collect funds illegally under the name of registered and existing organization because they will be held accountable for their wrong doing for failing to present legal documentation.  It will be your own decision or idea if you decided to attend that event. Also, we are going to monitor whoever will attain the unrecognized meeting as office for our people future records keepings or references. Thus, there is no chance to anybody who is trying to impose an unidentified identity to our people. As old says from dog, “please don’t scare people with sharp object” so do we have to say to our brothers and sisters who are trying  these kinds of unethical themes, undignified and un-integrity behavior that is not always coincided with truth align argument. Right now we are surprise within our community because based on our people backgrounds, truth is always matter. At the moment, we percept as an alien behavior that is not Dinka Twi people ancestors’ values or characters have before, period.

According to our record, we advice some of the following people who are attempting to play danger game against the Bylaws of the Non-Profit organization under the name: Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA. Brothers and sisters read this message to understand what it says, ““Articles of Incorporation vs. Bylaws: The articles of incorporation essentially make up the constitution of the organization. There are specific items that have to be included in the articles of incorporation in order for the organization to receive tax-exempt status. One of the requirements is a “statement of purpose and statements indicating that the organization will not engage in prohibited political and legislative activity and that all of its assets will be dedicated to its exempt purpose under 501(c)(3).”Bylaws explain how the organization will be run on a daily basis, and by whom. Think of the bylaws as the job description of the president, the board of directors, and of the organization itself. Unlike the articles of incorporation, the bylaws do not have to be filed with the state, but they can be. A current record of the bylaws does have to be kept within the company.””
You Twic East county citizens have also to know that, we don’t accuse them for what we don’t truly know but it’s a legitimate reason. Most of these peoples are having records whereby they have either worked directly or indirectly or being spied within our community for the benefits of their new adopted name so-called Dinka Bor or Greater Bor. They use this name “Bor” as a cover-up to destroy our ancestors’ identity that we might all know the Dinka Twi. For example: Gabriel Pager Ajang is a well-known that he is part of Greater Bor group under the leadership of Abraham Deng Lueth,  and he before opposed formation of current Twic office in Nebraska, Peter Magai Bul in 2010 did work as part of campaign of leadership for the Greater Bor group in 2010. And recently they were joined by Bul Thuc Dut and Deng Chol Yuang, in illegal endorsement of David Kuol Anyieth.

Back to the Greater Bor election of 2010 in Grand Rapids, MI-USA, Abraham Deng Lueth, Mabeny Kuot, Gabriel Pager Ajang, Peter Magai Bul plus others did deviate (“stray from normal path) the leadership of Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA whereby they were advised not to join the Greater Bor Organization election because there were some issues were needed to be addressed first, but they didn’t listen to the office leadership to abstain, and that time most of the community members were refusing to join the Greater Bor election even when they were present at venue. Twi Citizens, we are not smearing them for what is not true. We are following the fact base story here.

Also, you citizens of Dinka Twi might have to know that; these peoples who are pro-Bor Dinka or Greater Bor over the Dinka Twic people identity and all principles or values we stand for as one people. Their stories might have some factors that are affecting our brother David Kuol Anyieth when it comes to the leadership handover to him plus other reasons did occur during the transition period we are not going to talk about here though. As our concern as office, we sense that David Kuol Anyieth association with pro-Bor Dinka or Greater Bor group. The majority of our people don’t trust those who associate themselves with such unrecognized entity. Furthermore, the Payams leaders in USA, we know who they are, and their connections with the group. We are not going to talk about that right now.


Moreover, we are informing you all our Dinka Twic citizens that if you know yourself to have an ability to lead our people. Chance could be yours, as we the office expect an election on July 2013. Otherwise thing might change as future always uncertain, particularly; it could be date, but we still believe that the office would be changed next year. So please prepare yourself before time, and also you have to bear in mind that; the Twi Dinka community needs a person who always will stand first for everything we are made as a community. Starting with our name, history, culture, Dialect, values, and so forth, because this time is for a person who will take his/her talents to our people ahead of everything else outside our Dinka Twic tribe constituency. Also, we believe that everything outside our community should be a secondary asset. Furthermore, it is time the Twic citizens have to nurturing their remaining orphans of the civil war. Their future lives are hanging in our hands the living one not the dead one. As we all know what the civil war of the Sudan had done to our people, even many lineages within Dinka Twi are having nobody to continue the chain of the family. We will not narrate more on that, because if you are a grow up person you should have to know what the civil war had done in our land.


Please take these few points also:


These groups of people are not officially or mandated or authorized to carry out that meeting of theirs, we consider it as an illegal meeting or conference.

The meeting is not officially recognized by the Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA office.

From the leadership branches standpoints, that meeting was not officially from: President, Executives, 81 Council members, Fundamental committee, Advisors.


This is an official message from these bodies of leadership of Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA: The President Office, Executive office, 81 Council members, Fundamental committee, Advisors. It was put together by the office Media and Information on behalf of Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA.


Thank you all,

Twic East Community of South Sudan-USA

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