PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

When South Sudanese need you

I write of Peter Tut Hoth
I write for Isaiah Abraham
I write for  those beaten in Bukul police station
I write for kidnapped  Mr. Deng Athurai Mawiir
I write for Emmanujel Jal
I write for those on a bicycle, on motorcycle and on foot in Wau
I write for South Sudanese locked in prison without justice
I write for a UN official that was beaten by the South Sudan Police Service

When South Sudanese need you
By Dennis E. Paul

When South Sudanese need you

When the ideals embraced by South Sudanese seeking freedom
of speech
freedom of press
That so many
Many lives
Were sacrificed for

South Sudan needs you
South Sudan needs you to grow

South Sudan’s children need you
To sustain their hope

Beating without legal conviction?

Did you See Cry Freedom?
Did you read the story about Steve Biko?
Suffering throughout his commitment for the people of South Africa
Now in South Sudan we see an apathy of apartheid
Apathy of South Sudan’s fratricide
brother against brother

Who is going to change this story?
Who is going to bring freedoms
To South Sudanese people
Of press
Of speech?

South Sudan needs you

They are not criticizing without positive goals
They are not criticizing to belittle

They are criticizing to nudge South Sudan forward

That learning to accept criticism,
the SPLA/M,
the police,
the military
Must show the Force of understanding,
The Courage of character
The Force of patience

One day
When they ask
Officer: What have you brought to the South Sudanese people?
How will you answer?

The author can be reached at

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