By Nyalueth Lual, Australia

This is the question I need clarified today. The sense of entitlement by some individuals that SPLA/M belongs to certain individuals hence must do anything to halt the national progress is just wrong. It is the abuse and betrayal of the long standing struggle of the people of South Sudan.
Founded on the 16th of may 1983, SPLM was the coalition of more than seven freedom movement organization of the Southern Sudan’s people who were oppressed and marginalized under the Arab, and the European hegemony. This sub-groups of the movements include, the notorious Anya nya under Southern Sudan Liberation Movement (SSLM) National Action movement (NAM) Movement for total Liberation of South Sudan (MTLSS), Juwama African Partriotic/People Organization (JAPO),Council for the Unity of Southern Sudan CUSS), Southern Sudan Liberation Front (SSLF) and even small Student Awareness organizations for the Liberation of South Sudan.

These parties existed from 1955 when the republic of Sudan from the hegemony of Anglo-Egyptian was officially granted independence in 1956. SSLM leaders with Anya nya I as the military wing mutinied and organized themselves in the neighboring countries started the rebeelion as the hope to succeed South from the North since the Southern people did not want to be under the Arabic leadership once more. Even though British had the power to immediately separate the North from the South as they were responsible for the geographical dimensions of African continent, they left the South under Sudan with just little independence as a punishment for the severe resistance deployed by the notorious tribes of the South against imperial British colonialism mainly the Dinka and the Nuer.
The first civil war by Anya nya I lasted for 17 years leading to the loss of half a million lives but successfully ended in the Adis Ababa Agreement in 1972. It granted South a freedom to English educational system as well as Christianity and African Systems of worship as their religion. Conversely, the North was under Sharia Law. By that time, many other movements have emerged since the Agreement was being occasionally violated by the Khartoum Government. Most of these rebel militia have already launched operation by 1982 as the relationship between the North and the South went raw due to the Southern People being under represented in the main government.
Nimeiry Suddenly decared the entire North and South Islamic state of Sharia Law. It was then that the Southerners, the real leaders emerged relinquishing their mansions and big positions in the Government of Khartoum and mobilized their people in the villages to bring dignity and independence to the people of South Sudan. SPLA/M founders were Joseph Oduho, Joseph Lagu, Salva Kiir, Samuel Abhujohn, William Nyuon Baany, Kerubino Kwanyin Bol, Majier Gai, Majier Gai, Joseph Malath Lueth Gai Tut, Akuot Atem and John Garang whom they appointed as their chief of staff plus many other dear citzens of South Sudan. One common goal for these leaders was a dire need to bring change to the people of South Sudan.
SPLM is therefore the symbolic movement of the South Sudan people which has existed for more than fifty years. In fact, the resistance of our people could date back 100 years during the rebellion against slave trade and colonization. The earliest tribal rebelions had no political ambitions though, but to preserve the African heritage and culture. So SPLM is the liberation movement that belongs to the 64 tribes of South Sudan.
Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA, was not brought by one person. It was wrought upon by the team work from the 62 tribes of South Sudan. It was also as a result of real evidence of the longest second civil war which lasted for more than two decades. It’s existence was influence of the combination of political and economical interests of western countries as well as needs for justice and equality for all pressured by the international community. It was not easy otherwise it wouldn’t have taken us this long. It was wrought upon as a result if scrupulous investigation evidence by the human right watch even though many have advocated for it it.
I respect our heroes both fallen and existing ones who brought us CPA in a golden plate. The only man who never participated in it was Dr. Riek Machar. What angered me most is when one of the Hero’s family collaborated with this looser who wants nothing but to bring us down ever since. He has always been among the used militia commanders against the SPLM by the Khartoum. It’s a shame to collaborated with a long time traitor and simply overt war against the civilians of South Sudan nation at large. What disappoints people like myself is that, their war is of a subjective nature, totally meaningless and a betrayal of our nation whom millions have died for.