PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Street world

By Constant’s DC

There he comes,
Fingers flickering,
Ribs like guitar,
Hallucinating in grief,
Bodied by skeleton,
Lifeless eyes
In tatters outfit Salala! Is that all?

He walks to the pit,
Probing for life in filthy places Picking anything resembling chow Is that what we can afford?
No fatherly love,
No motherly apprehension
But! Only street concern

The taxi driver emerge,
Driving a charming mini cab,
Suited with luxury,
Chokora! He yelled,
He ran committedly towards the taxi,
There he receive bottle of yoghurt,
He grasped with his thin stick-like fingers,
He smile heavily and gives thank to the driver, The driver drove very hasty.

He pulls the top open,
Smile and take a sip,
Oh! Hulululu sumu! Sumu!
He staggers like a drunkard and fall off,
He struggle for breath,
But was futile
He was poisoned.

Oh! The son of mama earth promoted to glory in agony.
Fast and smiley the driver returns,
Claiming all the responsibilities,
Collect the innocent body from the mortuary, Took it, mutilate it and fed his dogs
Oh! Son of the hell world is finished and gone. Richer he is, in heaven but curse is the killer.

By constant’s 2006

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