PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

President Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar Should Both GO!!!

4 min read


By Amer Dhieu, Australia

Dear United Nations, The IGAD, African Union, the top five world Hegemonies headed by the United States of America and most importantly my Fellow global and South Sudanese citizen.

I am nearly in my mid Twentieth. My life is very comfortable. I drive myself to work every morning with my own car, earn my salaries every fortnight, live in a very secure house, access quality healthcare every time I get sick. Amazing doctors and general practitioners treat me whenever I need it. I eat three to four times a day. I drink clean water and get supported by Australian government whenever I lose my job or have decided to go back to school.

However, this does not mean I never experienced the miserable life of being at war with no protection. It doesn’t mean I never experienced the opposite side of the above-mentioned life standards. I live almost halve of my life as a refugee, sadly my entire childhood life.

Not to bore you with my personal life, the reason I mentioned it is for you to know it that I am not calling for personal protection. I am calling for the protection of South Sudanese women and children, elderly and disable people who are being butchered at their own homes—homes they struggle to build with no single support from the government. I am not going to explain much about this for you know what types of roofs these people sleep under before December 15th.

Dear the United Nation, The IGAD, the African Union, the US with her Coalitions of Willings.

South Sudan is not a poor country. We wouldn’t dare to ask you for your million of dollars. With our endowed natural resources, we are one of the African Richest countries. We are even way better than you Americans because we got Oil; way better than you Asians because we got minerals and way better than you East Africans of IGAD because we got all it takes to be a rich country.

The only thing you guys are better than us is because you Americans got Barack Obama and I got Kiir. You Asians got Banki Moon in the United Nation seat and we got Riek in Rebel seat.

Dear the United Nation and The US.

It was not long ago when you hurriedly rush to Libya and Kill Muamar Gadhafi in the name of human rights and protection of civilians. The people of Libya might not have democratically elected Gadhafi but still he was their legal president, but you didn’t mind to honour the will of people who want him in power. In the name of human rights you invade Libya and killed their president.

Pardon me; I am not calling upon you to do the same to my President and my Rebel leader but just to ask them to step down in their Respective political positions. These two do not know how to unite the people of South Sudan. They only know how to lead them by tribe and into war.

This people only want to secure their presidential seats, but they care less about the vulnerable civilians. South Sudanese people give them the chance to rule and be their leaders, but they couldn’t even afford to work together between themselves let alone bringing peace and harmony among the people of South Sudan.

Now they are still fighting for their soiled seat covered with blood of innocent civilians from Juba Massacre, Bor, Duk-keen, Bentiu and Akobo. Nothing has convinced me that these two would one day bring peace to our beloved nation. They must step down and give us a chance to choose another new leader.

The old folks have dragged our country to bloodshed. Something our fallen heroes and heroines didn’t fought for. With you compassion and respect for precious human lives being lost in our country, please help me to bring them down. They must go.

Amer@ 2014

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