Proposed Interim Government for South Sudan

1. Gen. Taban Deng Gai, Interim President.
2. Nhial Deng Nhial, Vice President.
3. Pagan Amum Okech, Foreign Affairs Minister
4. Dr. Majak Agoot, Defense Minister.
5. Gen. Matur Chut, Minister of National Security
6. Alfred Lodu Gore, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning.
7. John Luk Jok, Minister of Mining and Petroleum
8. Gov. Joseph Bangasi Bakosoro, Minister of Cabinet Affairs.
9. Justice Gatwech Lul, Minister of Justice
10. Deng Arop Kuol, Minister of Labor and Public Service.
11. Madam Rebecca Nyandeng Garang, Minister of Peace and Reconciliation
12. Mr. Hussein Mar Nyuot, Minister of Road, Bridges and Transportation.
13. Gen. Peter Gadet Yak, Minister of Interior.
14. Dr Isaac Cleto Hassan, Minister of Health.
15. Mr. Ngor Kolong Ngor, Minister of Youth and Sport
16. Madam Gov. Nyandeng Malek, Minister of Child and Social Welfares.
17. Dr. Wani Tombe, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry
18 Mr. Kuong Dhanier Gatluak, Minister of Land and Housings.
19. Mr. Aquila Mam, Minister of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunication and Postal Service
20. Gen. James Hoth Mai, SPLM Secretary General
21. Gabriel Changson Chang, South Sudan Central Bank Governor
22. Gen. Obutu Mamur Mete, Gen. Staff for South Sudan Defense Forces.
By Obang O. Obang
Fellow citizens
Look at the names proposed on the interim government. This is the same of recurrence of corruptions, nepotism, tribalism, stealing our public money for individualism, and nothing else. This is not a change or transformation of democratic in our new nation. We are just circling in the same place not a bit moving forward. Where in the world, change would come or happen from the same corrupt people that we all know that they are the riches people in our country in few years since our independent by just pocketing our public money to their pockets and helping their families leaving their citizens suffering since the inception of our struggle in 1983.
Even in this war they created their families are all abroad educating to continue reigning south Sudan. Please that is heartbroken to our innocent people of south Sudan by just killing them for self interest while we are supposed to provide them with the service since they have been suffering from 1956 till now. That is not change to me individually. Any south Sudanese may have their individual opinion on such formation of the interim government.
Transformation of a nation would not happen like that by putting the same people who did nothing to their citizen when he or she is in power that he or she supposes to do anything in his or her power to develop our new nation country. Brethren and sisters we are just playing a game of cat and rate. I don’t think south Sudanese are stupid enough to be the trick like this. If we need change let south Sudanese citizens who were victim of this senseless war in the beginning and to continue to be to choose their leaders in 2015.
You see now what our people would think of our leaders those who fight to gain power by force? Our innocent citizens think they have gain nothing on this interim government instead we kill our innocent citizen for selves interest, to get more money or to gain power using them and forget them later forever like they have done nothing at all!! Those who fought on the side of SPLM/A—in opposition if they would ask why we form our interim government as such if our goal is to free south Sudanese? Who would answer such question?
I do not think anyone could as they seeing the formation of such interim government. I can this (domination). Please, our brethren and sisters who fought on the side of SPLM/A in opposition died for personal interest and not for the national interest.
This is nonsense, first of all; who proposed this interim government? You cannot just say it was written by panLuel Well. What I know is that Panluel Wel is just a newspaper but this article was by a guy who wants to crack his or her mind.Where is President Kiir in the list ? Where is Wani ?
etc.Please, stop joking.
Most of the people you proposed are among 75 who know where 4.5 millions have gone to.
@Ayom, if that list is true, then there is changes. same corrupts are in the list
what do you think on that propose list mr.Salva and Dr.Machar would be listed at the black list til the interim year ended.
south sudan will formost and ever be peace
hahahahaha ,the cat never drink with rat
Obang. O Obang
Sorry for your childish thinking, do you want Taban Deng Gai to take the nation resources to his house again, the way he personally home away with the 5% of the oil revenue since 2005 up to 2013
from Unity state,
Moreover, who are you to restructure the nation office, this neither eating nor enjoying crowded bub table.
Rebellion is not the key stay to lead the country, that was old nomad style.
Young J
Well, this is the same old Regime of Dinka and nuer, out of the 22 only 4 are Equatorians, this bulshit and you all know that.
Reblogged this on The Shoeshiner's Eyes.
We can,t agrees in one side government or neptism one
There is no change made on the above names, same corrupts people are selected again.
Oh God save our young Nation
hahahahahahahahahahahah, who is behind this post, the mentioned are the same guys who crazy south sudan, are they the only life south sudanese, big shame.
james yien your right Gathoth mai would not be mention on that list.
Hahahahahahahah, let the Gogrial go to his home. i mean your Kiir.
Guys that is not the list.
Hhahahahahha guys this is not true.
It’s not surprising at all that i do not see a minister for education anywhere hence depicting the ever egregious conduct of the so-called reformists…………Besides, it’s absolutely narcissism @ play because it is wholly national in character as they claimed i mean the SPLA-in Oppostion but rather a mixed hegemony of a clique of self-enriching men and women in that it is not ipso facto all-inclusive or representative of a vibrant cabinet as such.