PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


By Tearz Ayuen, Nairobi

I think it’s about time South Sudanese, the youth in particular, begin to understand the meaning of academic specialization, and appreciate each other’s breakthrough in any field of study rather than enviously work day and night to shoot down one another. 

The reason why we, the Kenyan 8-4-4 scholars, are forced to study over ten subjects – Maths, Kiswahili, English, Biology, Physics, Agriculture, Commerce, Geography, Home Science, Art and Craft & Music, CRE, PE (Physical Education – sports), Computer, etc. – is crystal clear.

It’s meant for each and every knowledge-seeker to explore all the subjects and eventually go after the one he or she likes the most, the one he or she is good at. One is allowed to do that upon completing high school.

In college or university, you specialize in it. And that’s why we have masons, architects, carpenters (Art and Craft), bankers (Commerce), geologists (Geograpghy), linguists (English, Literature), doctors (Sciences), farmers (Agriculture) and so on.

However, what I have noticed in us nowadays is something I can unapologetically describe as invidia. One chooses to pursue agriculture and he ends up becoming a successful farmer. He manages a big farm in the country….but now hates on a sister who has made it big in the world of sciences, an ophthalmologist. Come on! Isn’t what you decided to follow to the finish? Why then are you envious of your sister’s achievements?

Another brother fell for Home Science. He strived to be a chef…and of course he made it. He’s one of the best fifty chefs on earth. Surprisingly, he spends sleepness nights over news of his home-boy who has made it to the world stage as a poet. He’s insomniac, a self-caused health problem.

And there is a brother who never liked sitting in any class. He didn’t like Maths. He didn’t like English, geography. Actually, he didn’t like school. Teachers labelled him as an idiot. But he was so into PE. He liked basketball so much. He is now a serious player in the West. Again, some people, his own folks, talk shit of him. His closest relative, a writer, wrote crap about him on a blog the other day, that “I wish Osama Bin Laden could resurrect, hi-jack a plane and fly it in his mouth”.

What is all this hate for? I know to hate is human but this is no longer acceptable. Remember as educated young people, we have one enemy – our leaders. These aunties, uncles, mothers and fathers who’re unknowingly burying us alive are the only people we should be up against, not our brothers and sisters who are exceptionally successful in various fields.

In essence, we are equal. Do not be intimidated by other people’s careers because yours counts too. No matter what your profession is, take pride in it. Because if you do, you will be able to appreciate other people’s contributions in the building of our nascent country.

Let’s begin to celebrate each other’s successes. Let’s begin to cheer on our good brothers and sisters and on the other hand frown and – in good faith – correct those who go astray, politically, socially and situationally.

Tearz © 2014

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