First, we all wait eagerly for our community’s turn to throw a bash at J1, because we now run this country.
Every few months, I get a new President, who says his/her priority is to raise the structure he/she promised his/her constituency in the last 9 years, pave that road he/she promised his community, recruit all the in-laws he never paid off, take all his/her kids abroad, buy a mansion abroad…after all he/she only has few months in the highest office of the country.
Every few months, I get a new President who reshuffles the entire cabinet in the hope of forming a lean government, and instead appoint his community and allies because it is their ‘turn to eat’
Every few months, I get a new President who has no moral obligation or concern over issues that don’t affect his/her state of origin. A President who says cattle raiding and child abduction is a problem of Bahr el Ghazal and Upper Nile Regions, and that Land issues and Farming shortcomings are problems of the Equatoria Region that the next short-term President will handle…not me!
Every few months, I get to have someone else as my Commander in-chief; he/she comes, ‘tribalize’ the army, organize special units loyal to him/her, retires some Generals, buy more weapons and squander some funds for his/her real Presidential ambitions…or Revolution.
Every few months, I get a new President who says retirement benefit for the “liberators” is the priority to health care, infrastructure and electricity.
Every few months, I get a new President who reneged –out of jealousy -on the workable framework laid down by the previous short-term President, saying his/her vision is mightier to the country’s problems.
Every few months, I get a new Head of State who tells me freedom of the press is an administrative gift, and instruct his/her security apparatus to ensure his/her name and administration is kept “clean” so that he/she remains the favorite for the 2018 elections.
Every few months, I get a new President who strengthens his/her diplomatic relations instead of the ‘domestic’ relations in order to win the favor of the outside world as the ‘listener’ for democracy and progress.
Every few months, I get 5 Presidents who approves the budgets that allocates money to the highest wages/salaries in the country, which of course is for the 5 ‘Excellencies’ and their rotational Cabinet Ministers of choice.
Every few months, I get 5 Presidents who cannot agree on issues in the Presidency, because everyone has a different understanding of what Justice, Equality and Prosperity means for me…the citizen.
And through the transitional period, I get to see the same-same faces of the last 9 years, taking turns at J1 (the Presidential Palace), fighting loosely Corruption, Tribalism and Poverty.
But, hey, they are just 5 Presidents out of the 64 tribes of the One Sovereign Republic of South Sudan I Love….
And they are all POWERFUL, and can decide during their term to Marginalize me, Arrest me, Go to War, Increase Taxes on me, ignore my Farm Produce, Ignore my business and Sentence me to death because my financial woes forced me to peacefully steal?
There is nothing so painful and body-draining like being attacked by 5 diseases -in turn; one after the other!!!
Doggie © 2014