Gen. Daau Aturjong: I have Officially Joined Riek Machar
The Text of the Press Statement by Gen Dau Aturjong Nyuol

Comrade Gen. Alfred Gore, Deputy Chairman of the SPLM and Deputy Commander In Chief of the SPLA,ladies and gentlemen of press allow me to welcome you to this briefing.
In 1983 I joined the liberation struggle as a young student of secondary school against injustice, marginalization and humiliation in Sudan and attended a military training at Bonga in Ethiopia and graduated a second lieutenant and from then started fighting the war vigorously against the successive regimes in Khartoum for more than twenty years until I reached a rank of general in the SPLA. I thought we liberated our people from northern domination only to realize the revolution was hijacked by a tyrant dictator upon the death of our leader late Dr. John Garang De Mabior. The hijackers started not only marginalizing our communities but seriously terrorizing them. They killed many innocent people in nine years of Salva Kiir authoritative dictatorship in Juba.
The independent that South Sudan attained through the referendum upon which the secession of South Sudan obtained 98.58% votes against unity of Sudan would have been a driving factor to unite our people and move ahead in realizing the vision of the SPLM and its late leader Dr. John Garang. However, Salva Kiir and his minority cliques in Juba undermined this reality and worked against unity of South Sudanese and started killing our people. In 2010 it was massacre against Dinka of Pagi County just because late George Athor took arms against the regime in Juba. In 2011 Chilluk and Murle tribes were targeted and innocent citizens died. The Fartit of Western Bahr el Ghazal were also targeted in December 2012. All these things happened in eyes of international community and nobody was questioning Salva Kiir. The killing of the Nuer civilians in Juba in December 2013 under pretext of alleged coup attempt led by Dr. Machar indicates the regime has nothing to offer except fabricating lies in order to eliminate its opponents who were critical on how the country is being run.
Now I decided to take arms again to liberate my people since the first liberation is hijacked by a tyrant tribal dictator. I am taking arms again to bring justice, freedom, equality and prosperity to my people. I am taking arms to transform the country democratically and establish federal system where powers and resources are driven by people. I am taking arms to restore rule of law and respect of human rights in my country. My coming out is a well connected strategy and many people are coming very soon. Therefore, my appeal to people of South Sudan, Dinka Community generally and people of Aweil in particular not to support Salva Kiir. Viewing current conflict as Dinka vs Nuer is a gross mistake which may slide our country to disintegration. I am also appealing to the SPLA to stop fighting for Salva Kiir. My appeals go to the democratic forces globally to support the SPLM/SPLA led by Dr. Riek Machar to remove Salva Kiir and establish a new democratic South Sudan. Those who joined the Movement with me in this gathering are;
1/ Hon. Ayii Ayii Akol former MP of National Parliament
2/ Hon. Awaya Awaya Makuei former MP of State Assembly- NBGS
3/ Capt. Garang Ayii Akol former officer of SAF.
4/ Peter Mabior Riny, Youth Leader and Secretary of Aweil Community in Kenya.
5/ Wol Kuac Wol youth leader of Aweil Community in Kenya
6/ Capt. Mawien Dut Chan former officer of SPLA
Thank you for listening
Long life South Sudan
Long life SPLM/SPLA under leadership of Dr. Riek Machar
The victory is ascertained.
Gen Dau Aturjong Nyuol
Biography of Gen. Dau Aturjong Nyuol:
Birthplace: Gen. Dau Aturjong Nyuol was born in Gokmachar Village in Aweil North County, Northern Bahr el Ghazal State, South Sudan.
Educational Background:
Gen. Dau attended Gokmachar Primary School from 1972-1977. After obtaining Primary School Certificate, he went to Aweil Junior Secondary School in Aweil town and graduated in 1980. He was later accepted at Nyamellel Senior Secondary School and studied there from 1980-1982. Gen. Dau was a brilliant and competitive student throughout his entire school years in primary, junior secondary, and senior secondary schools. He scored high marks in science and social science classes in both Arabic and English languages.
Gen. Dau was very much involved in student organizations and sporting activities. He played football (soccer) and volleyball during his times in schools. Some of his former schoolmates who are currently high ranking generals in the SPLA military view Gen. Dau as caring, courageous, determined, fair-minded, intelligent, honest, and loyal. These inspiring characteristics of quality leadership were evidenced during Gen. Dau’s service in the SPLA and in Mading Aweil when he was assigned to command SPLA military and conducted successful operations in Aweil and other areas in 1990s. Gen. Dau was the architect of the first peace agreement between Dinka-Malual and neighboring Messiria tribes. This peace agreement was signed in Wardong, NBGS in 1991, and consequently created a positive peace between Dinka and Messiria tribes. These characteristics are the fundamental core values of Gen. Dau’s leadership quality, and this is why Aweil citizens called on him to serve and bring back hope to the people he loves and cares for dearly.
Shortly after Gen. Dau began his studies at Nyemellel Senior Secondary, the second civil war erupted in Sudan between Anya-nya II and Khartoum regime after President Nimieri failed to implement the Addis Ababa Peace Accord. To end Khartoum exploitation and marginalization of the people of Southern Sudan and other areas, several students, political elites, military officers, and ordinary citizens from Southern Sudan and other marginalized areas joined the Anya-nya II Movement that later became known as the SPLA/SPLM. As a result, Dau joined the Anya-nya II Movement to add his voice in call for democracy, equality, freedom, and liberty in Sudan. This move cut Dau’s intention to pursue higher education short, and he began a new career in military service in which he spent his youth and manhood in the SPLA military uniforms. His unwavering commitment, courage, and dedication earned him a rank of the Major General in the SPLA military and also promote his popularity, making him a likeable and trusted leader in Aweil.
Language proficiencies:
Gen. Dau is fluent in his native ‘Thongmonyjang (Dinka)’, Arabic, English, and conversational in Nuer dialect.
Military Career Highlights and Accomplishment During the SPLA Struggles and Post CPA:
• Gen. Dau attended the SPLA Military College in 1984 in Bonga, Ethiopia. He was graduated as a 1st Lieutenant in Shiled One cadres. As an officer, 1st Lt. Dau was deployed to great Upper Nile region and fought numerous successful battles against enemy in Jekou and Malual Gaouthoi.
• In 1985, Dau was deployed to Eastern Bahr El Ghazal region of Abyie and Twic areas as a Deputy Commander of Nile Battalion.
• In 1987, Gen. Dau became Commander of the Nile Battalion.
• Gen. Dau participated in several battles in Equartoria in 1991.
• He was a commander of the Mobile Forces that fought in Morobo and other areas in Central and Western Equartoia from1994-95.
• Gen. Dau participated in the last and major battle war in Raja, Western Bahr el Ghazal.
• He was the only commander who managed to withdraw with all military equipment when SPLA decided to withdraw after months of recapturing and losing Raja City to the Sudanese Armed Forces.
In summary, Gen. Dau has been a combat officer for 22 years. Below are the some of military positions he had held in the SPLA from 1984 to 2010:
• Commander of the SPLA 7th Brigade.
• Commander of the SPLA 10th Brigade.
• Commander of the SPLA 11th Brigade.
• Commander of the SPLA 12th Brigade.
• Commander of JIUS Unite in Khartoum.
• Commander of the SPLA Heavy Artilleries.
Military Trainings and Administrative Courses:
• Graduated from the SPLA Military Academy as a 1st Lt. in Shield One, Bonga, Ethiopia (1984-1985).
•Completed general Military Administrative Training at Iowa State University in Iowa, USA (2004).
• Completed courses in International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights, and Conventional Military Training in Khartoum, Sudan (2007-2008).
•Completed Conventional Military Training at John Garang Memorial Military Academy, Juba, South Sudan