Rebellions is a reward in South Sudanese’ political affairs
By Mayen Mangok Mayen

Rebellions is rewarding business in south Sudanese’ affairs, for anyone to get ranks or commission in the army he/she must have rebelled against the government except few who fought 22 years war of independent.
our beloved state of south Sudan have suffered useless wars of fame and her citizens keeps dying, being displaced, raped and deprived of their living by disgruntle individuals who need wealth, power and fame through use of guns.
It is not a surprise seeing this beloved nation fighting each other every time due to first amnesties that were given to some rebellious generals in uppernile since the nation’s independent and before independent by the President, this have encourage rebellions such Yau Yau’s rebellions that have devastated Jonglei state for years without clear cause.
Yau Yau said he was fighting for a separate state for ethnic minorities who are deprived of their rights in South Sudan, now my question is why have murles deprived other tribes their rights?, if Yau Yau tribes(Murles) were deprived their rights by the government then why in turn did they deprived Dinka Bor, Lou Nuer their rights by abducting children, women and killing old from Lou Nuers, Dinka Bor, and other neighboring tribes, was Yau Yau aware that he was also deprives those tribes’ rights.
We must be realistic to achieve long lasting solutions then having temporally solutions that can cause more problems in future. “This agreement should end the rebellion of the South Sudan Democratic Movement/Army-Cobra faction (SSDM/A-Cobra faction)” headed by Yau Yau, Dutch peace organization PAX, which facilitated months of talks between the government and rebels, said in a statement.
I don’t thinks whether the above statement is correct in the sense that victims of Yau Yau rebellions were not included in the talk…it was facilitated by a group of bishops and individuals who have not lost their dear ones during Yau Yau’s war, how can we have peace when criminals are praise as heroes and heroines??
How can we have peace and justice when culprits are not punished when justices is not done? how can we have peace when culprits are reward with big positions in the army and in government?

To me we are encouraging wars…. because it the only windows where we got better fame, payment, positions and heroic welcoming like what Murles’ did to their Son Yau Yau during his reception in Juba international Airport.
To avoid all these from repeating themselves, our government need to invest in following sectors…Education, the only unifying factor in every society or country is education. If we educated our communities we shall have improve their standard of living, letting them know the meaning of country.
Our people identify themselves in term of tribes, and this kills our sense of nationalism. Again and very importance, our children and family are scattered aboard because there are no good schools, they learns beauty of other countries without knowing their country, their countrymen and women.
Security… our country need to invest a lots in security sector, we need to have disciplines army that respects the rights of citizens, that can defend our country from external and internal threats, army that is comprise of all south Sudanese, army that is non partisan to any party, army that is well cares of.
Very important sector is agriculture, the only backbone of our country is agriculture not oil as most of us believed… for our country to develop, our government need to spend more money in agriculture.
Road network, the government need to connect the country road network this will ease issue of insecurity because accessibility to remote areas will be easy.
To rest my point, we need to kill the mindset of rebellions as the only way to get fame, better positions, there are many good ways to get fame and good positions, we need justice to prevails by killing spirit of impunity, those who have offended this beloved nation need to be brought to book despite of how long it will take… we must let them know that they are not above our country’s laws.