The Last Man killed in Torit
By David Aoloch Bion

Beginning in Torit in 1955, ending in Torit in 2002,
The sub-machine guns, tanks and artillery
Sounding and thudding for sixty minutes
In deafening sound and deadly firing,
An enemy ran while on zigzag flight praying for
Survival “Alu aboooooooooooooo ….
The bullets and rockets flying, whacking and whistling
The rockets chopped off Mujihad head, the head fell down
Rolling like a ball, the falling down dying head began
Talking saying its dying words
“Conscription! Conscription! Conscription! ”
I kill for no cause in the far South
I am killed for no cause in the far South
My wife will not pay the last tribute”
The dying head repeated the above words for a number
Of times again and again for three minutes
The other dying parts of the body making their dying movements
The legs still running with the body
The dying legs running faster and faster and faster ………
The legs continued running for a number of times
Again and again for three minutes
The hands clapping, clapping and clapping …
The dying hands clapped across each other
Up and down, up and down, up and down …
The hands continued clapping for a number of times
Again and again for three minutes
After the three minutes, the dying body falling down at last
And never flitted and pulsated
The defeat with heavy losses of the enemy
Forced an enemy to talk peace
And signed peace
Note , the civil war between the Government of the Sudan and the rebels Sudan People liberation Army ended with the battle of Torit 2002 .