PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


5 min read


Amer Mayen Dhieu
Amer Mayen Dhieu

By Amer Mayen Dhieu, Australia, Queensland

Dear little sister

I failed in so many attempts, so many trails. Socially and culturally, I have no status. I am almost done but with determination I am still zero-day old girl-child at birth.

Through all of these, you been peering at me, watching me crawl because you just came after me. My only words are, in all the manifesto of my failures you have witnessed, I need you to remember:

1. Not my failures but my refusals to remained in dust. My fights to get back to the surface.

2. Not how many times I revolves in pool of critics but my enthusiastic to stay in shape. Know that I have critics because I exists.

3. Not how many times I fail but how many times I get back up. Remember that I fail because I am trying to hikes more stairs.

If you were to ask me for reimbursement in view of the fact that I fail to set you an example, I would have nothing to defend myself but my only word would be take my “die trying” philosophy with you.

I am sure with “die trying” philosophy you will win many cases, fights many battles and cruise many voyages of thousand miles

Don’t make mistake to get over crammed at one point. There are so many doors to your destination and if one door closed don’t spend a lot of time thinking why it close before you enter.

Immediately make consultation with your brain, inform your whole body that it is time for critical thinking and that you need emergency exit ASAP.

The time you will regret in life is the time you spend thinking of “WHY and HOW” unless you were answering some science questions or was doing some hypothetical researches for your academic work.

As woman, don’t be loose in notions and sentiments that your journey will be as facile as men’s. Our world has very high conjecture on women. Young and old. Do not get tired of these assumptions and don’t even think of switching your mind off from them. Some of them are positive and helpful.

Assumptions on women lend us helping hand to maintains our feminine instinct. Do not make mistake to compete with man because by real definition of nature, women are the most abundant creatures you would ever wish to leave. Only ask for similar opportunities and equal treatment.

My little sister, I never wish to be someone else than who I am truly is. I could be dumb, ugly, short, tall or too dark but had never ashamed the father and son above who put effort to mold me out of dust by wishing to be that outstanding woman.

I only craves to upgrade myself to the level I would be proud of the “me” in me and this is what your focus should be. My words to you are; Every woman have the require qualities and proficients of becoming a high standard woman.

You have what it takes to aggressively push away the dim light in you and bring upon the chandeliers that will outshine every positive part of you. You are so, so good the way you’re.

Don’t ever wish to be someone else because that someone else was born just like you, but because of her determination and hard-work, she is who she is today.

Subtract this ugly word as you grow. This evil word called “envy”. Don’t you try to be envious of your other woman. Get close to her and try to have a clear shot of her experiences, then use them to aids yourself to be able to grow to your full potentials

Try as much as you can, not to have too many enemies. You will understand this as you reach my age. There are no permanent enemies and it could be very exhaustive to called someone who will later be your friend your enemy.

Try to make as much friends as you can. I understand only few will like you but have a room in your heart to act opposite way. Never hold anything against any one. Grown up women don’t hate. Mature women understand why people hate and treat hatred has human epidemic with no cure.

You will confront a lot of things in your way. Many of them will be very challenging and resistive. There will be a time you feel like giving up. But mind you, If you accept defeat and give up, you’re no longer a fighter. If you don’t fight who else will fight for you? I am busy fighting my own army.

Few things to remember: “surround yourself with positive people”. Being in positive environment is one weapon you need as a women to be able to pursue all your dreams. Researches all strong women in your area.

Try and don’t be ashamed to ask them for professional friendship. Let them know you are not there for other intentions but to learn from each other uniqueness. Always, Always, be around positive people.

Those who make you feel strong even when you’re not. Keep negative people on your side too because they will remind you of the reason you want to be a determine young lady. Negative people exist so you can learn to resist.

This is only part one. I will discuss more with you on my second letter especially what happen to sisterhood and the so called intellectual women, importance of being smart and the positivity of staying alert. Be strong! Be a woman!

Yours sincerely and loving older sister
Amer Mayen Dhieu.

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