PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Bishop Peter Bol Arok: Message of Peace After the Synod Meeting in Twic East County

Message for Peace Co-existence to the Nation after Ending of Synod Meeting in Twic East County

By Rt. Rev. Peter Bol Arok

The Third Ordinary Session of Diocesan Synod Held at St. Paul Baping Archdeaconry

From 26-27 December, 2014

The Third Ordinary Session of Diocesan Synod Held at St. Paul Baping Archdeaconry from 26-27 December, 2014
The Third Ordinary Session of Diocesan Synod Held at St. Paul Baping Archdeaconry from 26-27 December, 2014

January 19, 2015 (SSB) — Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from Bishop chairman Rt. Rev. Peter Bol Arok to the delegates of Synod on behalf of Twic East Diocese and his family.The Synod held in Twic County at St. Paul Baping Archdeaconry was well attended by over 100 delegates. We are most grateful to Hon. Dau Akoi, commissioner of Twic County together with other dignitaries among them being Deng Aguer state speaker who honoured our meeting with their presence.

It has been a challenging year for everyone most especially those in South Sudan. The U.N report records that more than 10000 died and many more been displaced in the neighbouring countries of Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and inside South Sudan and Northern Sudan.

Despite all of this we still put our hope and trust in the Almighty God to give us a year full of his blessings and love. The main reason for holding this meeting in Baping Twic County is for the sole reason of encouraging our people who are externally displaced to return home. The Anglican church of South Sudan has been working tirelessly to bring change to the people of South Sudan. Quoting the late Dr. John Garang de Mabior “we should take the town to the people and not the people to the town”

The Third Ordinary Session of Diocesan Synod Held at St. Paul Baping Archdeaconry from 26-27 December, 2014
The Third Ordinary Session of Diocesan Synod Held at St. Paul Baping Archdeaconry from 26-27 December, 2014

The vision of the Anglican church of South Sudan and particularly that of Twic East Diocese is to be self reliant. We have tried to put into place utilization measures of the little resources that we have to assist the people of south Sudan. For example, Bishop Peter Bol Arok visited the displaced persons who are in Uganda and inside South Sudan on three occasions. He brought to them medicine, clothes, powdered milk and other essentials that the people needed. The Bishop was encouraged by Mathew 25:35.

Our message to the nation of South Sudan is that of forgiveness. Without forgiveness our nation cannot move forward more so to achieve the vision and dream of the late Dr. John Garang de Mabior who worked tirelessly to ensure that the people of South Sudan have a brighter future full of aspirations and dreams. However, this cannot be achieved if we still cannot let go of what happened in the past. It is time for us to forge forward and let the past remain where it should be, in the past.

Let us seek God’s intervention in this healing process. It is through him that we can have the peace that we have longed and fought for all this time. With hatred still burning inside us it is almost impossible to work together and to walk with God.

The Third Ordinary Session of Diocesan Synod Held at St. Paul Baping Archdeaconry from 26-27 December, 2014
The Third Ordinary Session of Diocesan Synod Held at St. Paul Baping Archdeaconry from 26-27 December, 2014

Let me take this opportunity to congratulate the people of South Sudan for the unity and solidarity they showed during the referendum of 2011.

Peace be with you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

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