PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Addis Ababa Peace Talks: Rewarding Evil is Evil

By Wayi Godwill

President Uhuru Kenyatta: We witnessed the signing of the SPLM Reunification Agreement between South Sudan President Salva Kiir, Dr. Riek Machar and Mr. Deng Alor Kuol which was overseen by Tanzania's President Jakaya Kikwete in Arusha, Tanzania. The signing of the agreement will help the SPLM work together. The framework will reunite the party which many South Sudanese had placed their hopes on. Some of us have been involved in this particular process since the beginning of the crisis, and indeed it has been very agonizing at times to see leaders unable to talk to one another and yet they were the same leaders the people of South Sudan depended on to guide the young republic after struggling for many years. We hope that the instruments that have been signed here will form the basis of bringing about peace in South Sudan which is the hope of the South Sudan and the East Africa region as a whole.
Arusha reunification agreement
February 4, 2015 (SSB)  Evil is condemned both on earth and in heaven, evidenced by the biblical Lucifer being thrown down from God during the battle in heaven.

After the mid-December 2013 incident, Riek Machar clearly stated that he was fighting against gross political intolerable injustices practiced by Kiir’s government. Later, we realize that the peace talk’s agenda deviated from the need for reforms in the country to pushing for executive positions. This inconsistency has repeatedly distorted the peace processes yet life is missing day by day.

It is clear from these dynamics that Riek rebelled in protest of his being sucked off from the position of Vice President and used obvious tricks to get disciples.

The practice is not a new episode on earth; history has shown that evil has ever been rewarded with good that is why such scenarios continue to occur. Rewarding evil condones perpetrators to promote the game. Peace brokers have never ever put this reality into consideration as they mediate worrying parties. They only look at what either party feels pleased of in the peace table.

At the dawn of the CPA, Riek was reabsorbed into the SPLM when James Wani Igga relinquished his position to him for the sake of peace. This has shown Igga as a patriotic citizen of this Country, even during this baseless war he continues to exercise utmost neutrality. We never heard him one time giving a hate speech against any tribe, whether in privacy or in public.

The current direction of the discussion seems to be gearing towards the same incident. There is a famous saying “A wise man learns from his mistake”. If Igga never appeased Riek at the dawn of the CPA, the story of this country would have probably been in the opposite.
This poses a question of whether or not Igga will succumb. This may also one time make him think in the direction of Riek for counter-reward.

As said above, rendering evil with good will continue to keep this country in tatters. Evil is an immoral act that destroys human dignity and it has to be treated relentlessly.

As negotiations go on, the agenda should be that, that can make every citizen enjoy but not individuals lobbying for VIP positions at the cost of others.
If the negotiation team thinks rewarding Riek with the seat of James Wani Igga is the solution to the current crisis, then this is unjustified to the people of this nation and to Igga himself.
So Equatorians are to be permanently sacrificed at the alter or power struggle!

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