PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Letter of Appreciation to the SPLM-IO for Releasing the Three Detainees

By Deng Daniel
February 6, 2015 (SSB)  Cowardice is the first enemy of any citizen! Just speak out the truth and stop the hideout at once.
Congratulation to the SPLA/M IO, you have won the race over good citizenship. This is what we expects out of the real South Sudanese people. I would not use the words ‘rebel”, it is totally odd and insulting when a citizen is exercising an outstanding compassion like what has just happened this week and among others, should it be extended, the release of the 2015 detainees who landed unauthorised at Ayod area in time is magnificent, this is of no doubt that they have officially undermines my cruelty over other good South Sudanese citizens.
As a matter of facts, it is an excellent politics of human right accompanied by due diligence, they have pursue the” R2P Principal “ accordingly, it was a good attempt to restore our overall sovereignty as South Sudanese, a world’s newest nation and as an international corporate entity, they have shown us a good image to the global world.
Indeed, solving our own issues has started to work, it is an extraordinary thinking if everyone in the country would continue to think this way I suppose. It was not all about an input of good deal made by anyone, but good has touched everyone heart especially at this time of the years after many misunderstandings, wrong doings and mistakeable live threats, likely, there must be a concurring good vision for nation lovers inside people from both private sphere and public sphere.
Nevertheless, this article contents no any negative view over the warring parties, “there is a saying in Dinka that “luk acen ruaai” they got it right.
I am a Dinka who have been all the way to Pyongyang and back, it is where secretes are not uncover but now improvements has been made to slowly allow tourists in. So my people please keep it up from both sides to adhere with good faith putting in mind that God help those who help themselves in humanity, and he is always inside people who put him first even in an unjust wars, you have to be good citizens firstly before you even become a democratic nation.
Let’s look after our sovereignty carefully as one people before it divorces us! Remember, “The nation don’t belongs to us, we belongs to the nation”.
May God Almighty ever save the SS nation and her contents!

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