PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Release of Betrayal by Mading Akueth

By Gabriel Gai Deng Biar, Nairobi Kenya

February 7, 2015 (SSB)  The trends of massacring of people of Bor and its environs is unbearable and anyone crowning rebel leader aka prophet of doom and his counterparts who took good care of Mading Akueth at detention cage risk being excommunicated from our community, ten of thousands of people of Bor were killed, but one live does not worth more than lives

First and foremost we thank Almighty father for his protection of three hostages who were held hostage by the forces loyal to prophet of doom and his allies who are supporting him underground. Mading Akueth, we were praying day and night for your safety while you were under detention up to the time of your release, however you sound happy and supportive of rebels and their allies who killed dozens of our innocent civilians and i believe you are aware that those forces you are praising might have massacred some of you relatives.

Your high profile recognition of an effort by the rebels and allies have no space in our community as your message of appreciation is gearing toward crowning them while their hands are tainted with blood of your relatives. The trends of massacred in Bor and its environs is unbearable as ten of thousands of our relatives were massacred during Riek Machar’s turbulent and yet you are praising him and his allies, one live worth lives of people of Bor who have been victim of unconstitutional power takeover

To Mr Ajak Deng Chiengkou, I am aware you are doing your job to win your bread, but be warry of your interviewees who value their individual live than that of those killed in Bor where political havoc emerged at your swamp side of your area of Paan e paan Pandiar which you are now carrying huge burden of assuming responsibilities of the orphans and widows as a result of aimless war waged by prophet of doom and his allies being crowned as kings by Mading Akueth. we are in the world that accommodate freedom of press but does not tolerate massacring of civilians, therefore continue winning your bread but bear in mind all your interviews have negative effects on our people social lives which you are not exempted as you have not yet resettled all your relatives to paradise.

Many thank goes to Isaiah Chol Aruai aka Chol Amoot and Aleer Longar for not crowning rebel leader and his counterparts who are trying hard to make our constitutional government unpopular globally, Mr Isaiah Chol and Aleer you have unquantifiable gifts from me which can not be seen through naked eye as you value your own people more than yourself and this is testify by your position of not praising the murderers.

The author is an incoming financial analyst and can be reached at and facebook # Gai Deng

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