PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Violence across the Country while celebrating Valentine day

By Daniel Machar Dhieu, Borssss

February 14, 2015 (SSB) — Happy valentine day to all South Sudanese both within and outside the country, I know some people are in environment of celebrating while others are mourning according to your day day-break. Today is a big day worldwide but it may not be celebrated importantly in South Sudan due to either security or environment hostility or in other-word due to politic influence. Since Wednesday there is report of violence and insecurity in Pibor, Juba and Bor town.

What is wrong with South Sudan leadership and communities at large? Remember, on Wednesday 11th 2015, people of Sherikat estate went on demonstration asking Juba county commissioner to cancel the order that direct security agent to demolished Sherikat estate. In this demonstration the national security arrested four people including their leader (Arol) who led the demonstration and foremost Journalist Mading Ngor on that day. Mading was released and Arol remained at security custody.

Also yesterday Friday, one people was killed in yesterday evening fresh attack in Juba (Gumbo) at 5:30 Pm It was gathered that the unknown gunmen attack Market just next to Highway to Nimule at the Junction to Rajaf and Nimule. According to the report from local businessman told me that, the incidence happened at 5:30 pm, and according to him they believed the attack as the work of robberies with the intention of robbing the market. The state Police authority is looking for the criminals to be brought to book said the businessman Marial Mabor Achiek.

There had been rumor that some people suspected from Murle community were planning to attack Gumbo Market especially where people sold cattle, the rumor were reported to security agencies in the area but they ignored the threat, so this how attack was actually carried out as physically attack not rumor. However, one person killed in the reported attack is not actually clear from which community while the wounded people are from two communities of Abii and Dachuek (one from Dacuek and two from Abii).

In other report, unknown gunmen from unknown source attack Super market in Bor town particularly in Marol Market. They attackers bomb the super market for Ethiopian Businessmen using garaneted bomb machine they wounded three men in the Super market no person reported dead they are taken to Bor town Hospital under treatment. These criminal who attack the market are not identify and the police authority in Bor Town is after them searching for these robbery to brings them to book if courted by police.

These unknown gunmen attack the market at 9:40 pm before closing time because market used to close to at 10:30 pm or late sometimes. These attackers are actually believes to be planning to threat the normal operation time of market sale-point so that people can simply close at early time as possible due to threat. Other thing, these people might have planned to rob the market in-order to develop their stomach with some people property. However, the situations in Bor town is now calm and friendly to walk-in and do more as security in the town is on high alert.

Also, in Pibor town some members who were and believed to be loyal to David Yau-Yau who is the currently the chairperson of Greater Pibor Administration Area (GPAA) has defected to South Sudan current rebel group led by Dr. Riek Machar Teny or SPLM-IO based in Akobo town. They defected commander from Cobra faction has accused both government in Juba and Cobra and GPAA Leadership as failed leadership, and actually declare their opposition to the regime of Salva Kiir Mayardit. They defect group accused the regime of killing people innocently without providing people security guideline. They also, accused government of dishonoring peace agreement with forces. They also, accused Kiir’s government of trying to use the Murle forces in Jonglei state to fight against the rebel group and Nuer communities seen to be anti-government, saying the Murle had chosen a peaceful co-existence with their neighbors.

The Pibor area force commander seemed to have echoed a previous observation by the administrative leader of the Greater Pibor Administrative Area, David Yauyau, who in last year disapproved government, plans to involve Murle in the conflict, saying his area should not also be used as a launching pad to attack the rebel positions and preferred dialogue with Machar’s group. The commander of the Cobra forces further declared his full support to rebel group to bring conflict to an end according to him.

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