PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

A High Level Church Delegation Led by Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul Arrives in Eldoret, Kenya

A High Level Church Delegation of Seven Bishops Led by Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul Arrives in Eldoret, Kenya

By Emmanuel Malual Makuach, Kenya

March 3, 2015 (SSB) —  Archbishop Daniel Deng Bul has, for years, been championing the role of the church in searching for and promotion of peace and unity among people of south Sudan.

In pursuit of that goal, a delegation of seven Bishops of South Sudan led by Archbishop of South Sudan and Sudan is paying visit to Kenya as part of the peace building mechanism in the country.

Archbishop Daniel Deng began his speech by explaining the role of the church in the country during the struggle for independent, especially during the referendum.

“And now we are the part of the team for peace in South Sudan,” said Archbishop Daniel Deng while addressing congregations of Christians of different communities in from Nairobi, Nakuru and Eldoret who have turned up to listen to the Archbishop of South Sudan and the Sudan.

The Archbishop use the occasion to sensitize the congregations about the message of peace and reconciliations among South Sudanese people in Kenya.

Just earlier this year, the Archbishop had been to Lakes state on a mission to bring peace to the people of Lakes state who have suffered through cycle of revenge attacks and cattle raiding.

The Archbishop explains that his mission to Jonglei state was also to “pray for peace and love among different ethnics communities in the state.”

Jonglei state is one of the most affected by the national conflict of December 15th that engulfed the state capital Bor in December 2013 and in the earlier part of 2014. The conflict killed many people and displaced million more from the state.

“We pray there that God can open the heart of people of Jonglei state to live as one and forget and forgive each other for unity and reconciliations that will enhance development in the state,” said Archbishop Deng. “In part of Upper Nile, we preach the message of peace to uproot the seed of hatred and ethnic divisions in the country.”

They church leaders also called upon the South Sudan community that children should be taught well as to know our cultural values and God and to avoid issues of early marriages and violence in the society which takes us back to old days.

The Bishops also urge the congregations to avoid the division of the churches according to the tribal regions, further warning that any group found doing that will be held responsible for the violation.

The people involved will not be allowed to preach the word of God. This decision, said the bishops came out after last year assessment on the issues facing the churches in the Diaspora, especially the struggling over power and divisions according to the regions and tribes.

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