PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Dear Hon. Kuol Manyang Juuk: Relocate the Panpandiar’ s Military Barrack Immediately

By Kur Wel Kur, Australia

Kuol Manyang Juuk, current South Sudan Minister for Defense and former governor of Jonglei state
Kuol Manyang Juuk, current South Sudan Minister for Defense and former governor of Jonglei state

Dear Hon. Kuol Manyang,

March 23, 2015 (SSB)  –   I know your diary is jammed with much needed services for our beloved country.  I know you spend countless sleepless nights, worrying about our country safety. I know we, as a country are in problems bigger than to relocate an army barrack. However, the heaviest problems are solved by nicking at them with tiny solutions.

Soldiers at Panpandiar harm the very civilians they think,  they protect.

Only in South Sudan, soldiers want to dig trenches along the river (Nile). By so doing, they intend to block the civilians from accessing water from the river. By so doing, they intend to use civilians as shields. In so doing, they disrespect the ancestral land rights.

My minister, Honourable Kuol Manyang,  in every country or continent,  natives own the lands and they have rights to question any act on their land, whether the president or the whole parliament passed the bill   for that act.

Our country will be safe when civilians,  mostly women and children are safe and protected.  Our government and army must record in their best minds that the government and the army protect the citizens, not in other way round.

Unemployment, disorganised and drunkard soldiers and the  closed  market at Panpandiar

Government and journalists hardly talk about unemployment rates; however, almost 75 % of the population, especially the Jonglei’s population, among which tribal wars have demoralised their creativity is unemployed. So married women and young women look upvto those in the  army as their bread winners.

Adultery, rape, divorce and incurable diseases cases have increased since the army stationed a barrack at Panpadiar. The locals complained to the government through their local MP but the government turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to their complaint.

Again, the disorganised soldiers at Panpandiar always crawl out of the barrack to the nearby villages to gurgle down  the locals’  beer. And when they disagree with either among themselves or with the locals, they use firearms.

For example, before the incident of December 15, 2013,  a five years old daughter of a local,  lost her life due to a drunk soldier, firing at another drunkard. The locals reported the incident to the local  authority and the authority handed it to the State government.

But no apology or compensation given, a young life lost  just like that. A government that doesn’t accept or give apologies is a half dead government.

Lastly, 10 days now, since the army ordered Panpandiar’s market closure. Our country is in the worst state economically because we observe not the principles that build the best economies.

We worry a lot about power but forget about important and first resources.  Citizens are the number one and essential resources of a country.

Why does our government (army) discourages the hard working citizens who earn every pound through every drop of their sweat and encourages the looters who earn millions in days without doing any work?

To remind you, the market at Panpandiar is not for profit.  The market sustains the already dying citizens whose government’s services don’t reach.  They spend a few pounds,  they earn, on buying milk, sugar and medications for their malnourished and sick children.

In addition, the looters at local government tear in half every pound the locals earn. So why closing it and it feeds the ruthless government’ s employees?

Relocating the army’s barrack to Ajah-ageer is a good security idea

Citizens(tribes)  at Jonglei State experience thorny relationships among themselves.  To pacify this hostility,  the government must deploy military police in the mid-ways of tribes’  borders.  If more than 10,000 soldiers patrol and train in Jonglei’s jungles,  then criminals and aggressors will find it hard to offend.

The barrack will attract developments especially highways construction and drilling of water wells. The availability of the Army at Ajah-ageer will encourage legitimate businesses especially cattle businesses.  This will curb the cattle rustling.

So my Defence minister, can you look into this issue.

May God bless you.

Yours, Kur Wel Kur, Adelaide, Australia

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3 thoughts on “Dear Hon. Kuol Manyang Juuk: Relocate the Panpandiar’ s Military Barrack Immediately

  1. Thanks, Kur Wel Kur. I think this government is crazy. They have had failed to defeated Mr. Macher, and now they had cowardly come back to Panpandiar to disturb innocent people whom were left unprotected two years ago. And as a result, many of them in Panpandiar and Malek were murdered by terrorist Gadeat when he left Panpandiar in awake of rebellion.

    1. Thanks, for your comments and your time. Mamer, I am frustrated because I believe in this government but the officials show the contrary. The civilians define a country not the military.

      The minister must do it before anything happens.

      1. Thanks Kur Wel Kur. I think this government should be smarter enough to priorities important issues rather than coming up with unnecessary issues, especially in this critical time.
        Agel Riek Machar and other colleagues decision to joined Murdered Riek Macher should be a worried saga at this junction of this internal conflict in the country.
        Thanks, Mdj.

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