PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

It is time for President Kiir to stop gambling and copy correct answers from neighbours

By David Aoloch Bion

When I was in P3 in Ashwa in 1992 , we were given a dictation test by Ustaz  Kuol Malual . One of the difficult  word  we faced to spell  was  ‘’Thousand ‘’ . fortunately , I knew the word  but , my class mate late  Deng Garang Deng, who finished Statistic in Juba University  in 2012 and died in car accident on Nimule road did not know it  . Deng  sneaked a look on my paper , he copied the word thousand .

When the papers were  given and results were announced , Deng  was best in the class . One month later on , Deng confessed to me that  he copied the word ‘’thousand ‘’ from me. He told if he did not copy from me the word , he would have not been the  best in that test . he said , he was proud because his eye saw the word.

In South Sudan , there are some  political philosophy questions which are difficult for some politicians like our President Kiir to deal with them , therefore , in such situation , politicians have to sneak look in to neighbourhood and copy the correct answers for them .

It is time for President Kiir to stop political gambling on most difficult political philosophy questions and peeped into neighbourhood and copy correct answers from bright students.

The brightest students in neighborhood are Tanzania and Botswana. The correct answers to be copied are , presidential term limits , equitable distribution of resources , independent parliament that can’t be dissolved by President . Independent judiciary where judges are appointed by the president but can’t  be sacked by him . all in all , . check and balance , which is the ambition to encounter ambition .  among the three branches  of the government , no branch must be above another branch.

Because  half of South Sudanese want change in constitution , Parliament , judiciary and executive,

Mr Kiir must plagiarize in politics , if he want to be successful. it is not malpractice to steal  correct answers for difficult political philosophy questions .

Am not calling  for reforms that favour individuals like ‘’ showing or not showing of hands , 5% not 5% agenda like SPLM document ..

End note

The speech of President Kiir was bland because his no for  two armies was unsatisfactory because he did not justify, he has not explain it to his people why he did not want two armies although it is a leading question , yet  he need  to explains it. So many of his Nos were not justified .

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