3 Reasons why Gen. Malong Awan is nicknamed as ‘’King Paul’’
By David Aoloch Bion, Uganda

May 18, 2015 (SSB) — Informally, the SPLA Chief of General Staff, Lt .Gen Paul Malong Awan is referred as King Paul. Many people misunderstand this nickname of Gen. Malong . They misinterpret it as Malong being evilest in their strongest words. This is wrong inference and assumption. Mr. Malong is not behaving badly the way they perceive .
Gen. Malong is honoured as King Paul because of the 3 following reasons.
1 .Waging the war without external help. Malong fought single-handedly as Anya Anya Two leader in Bare el gazal region from 1978 to 1983. At that time, Malong fought Sudan Army without any external support in term of logistics. Where did he get ammunition? Where he get food? No one knew, but, he fought for five years for the freedom of South Sudan until he joined SPLM/A in 1983, when all Anya Anya joined SPLM/A then. Here , he never asks anyone like a King . King always never asks for help from any one because he has everything always.
2 . The Defense of Boma . Malong defended Boma Garrison from being captured by Sudan Army from 1992 to 1995 till he was reinforced from Equatoria. He held out in Boma for 3 years . Kapoeta at South of Boma was captured by Sudan army. Pochalla at the North of Boma was captured by Sudan army . He stood in the middle with gallant SPLA soldiers. Here, they called him a ‘’King of the Mountain’’, from mountain Boma .
3. His Generosity. Malong loves Humanity. Malong is a generous man . Malong is compassionate man when he was a Governor of Northern Bare el gazal State. He was dinning with poor men and women in the state. At that time, Malong would organize a dinner for the poor SPLA war veterans in the state. At the table, he would say ‘’ it is the nation that stress you, take some of your lives and you are suffering now. Enjoy yourself; one good day is worth 30 bad days Mr. Malong adopted \this generous culture from European Royals. In Europe, the poor waits to eat the King’s dinner every year. For example, on July 6, 1902, King Edward of England invited 456, 000 poor all over UK to come and eat dinner at his palace .
Here, they call Malong ‘’ King Paul’’ because he organized a dinner for the poor like the King Edward of England did in July 6, 1902.. In the name of God , the King will never lose .
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