A Treatise on Feminism

Ajang Barach Daau
Ajang Barach-Magaar, Nairobi, Kenya
June 4, 2015 (SSB) — This article is generally addressed to the public, and in particular to the folks that are touted to be ardent apologists of feminism. For quite a long time now, I have had to humble myself and begrudgingly bottle up as crusaders of feminism defend it with an aesthetic devotion of a juvenile, mostly elsewhere.
The primary purpose of the article is to remind everyone of some well-established, brutal human behavioural realities. The biological discrepancies between the dominant man and sullen woman extend far beyond the anatomical aspects. There are marked physical and intellectual inequalities between the two genders.
The male superiority is sufficiently certain to serve as a point of departure from the spurious equality that people have arbitrarily imposed on modern societies. Feminism is a dangerous philosophy confounded by relative poverty of knowledge of evolutionary science.
In any human population, the female’s physical and intellectual inferiority is strikingly evident. Taxonomy of our distant posterity might eventually sub-divide Homo sapiens by placing women in a distinct, inferior sub-species. Some Scientists have even already suggested Homo frontalis for man, and Homo perietalis for woman. But let’s defer deliberations on that subject to a future date.
There may be a few exceptions, incidences where a woman exhibits venerable capabilities, vastly superior to the average man; evidence of this trend has been observed in studies involving the weak, emaciated and effeminate man, congenital idiot or a senile man. But as Gustave Le Bon brilliantly observed, this is as rare as the birth of any monstrosity – like the birth of a gorilla with two heads.
First of all, the behavioural patterns of the juvenile of both genders conspicuously resemble the woman during their early stages of development. As they hurtle headlong towards maturity, the male acquires superior intellectual and physical traits. The girl undergoes an arrested development. She continues to be timid, emotional and irregular in her actions. In fact, a mature woman is a stunted man! She is a replica of man’s past and a lower state of civilization.
As Gutave Le Bon succinctly quipped, women are closer to children and savages than they are to grown up civilized men. If you are a Dinka, then you must have witnessed a girl submitting to an elemental force during a marriage. Submission is a profound manifestation of inferiority. The explanation for the redundancy in women is encapsulated in our tortuous evolutionary history. The guiding generalities for our supremely disproportionate behavioural ramifications were the selective pressures.
The tasks of man have always involved complicated, high stake manoeuvres. Our ancestors used to hunt to mince off a living from their wild environment. As we all know, history is replete with innumerable instances where the hunter becomes the hunted. Our hunter progenitors had to balance between the risks of family starvation and avoid being devoured by the carnivals while scampering about on the remote Savana.
Taking this analogy as nicely elucidated by Charles Darwin, we can conclude that natural selection would have eliminated the weak, and allowed the strong to thrive. So a muscular, fast, intelligent hunter would be more apt to survive the hunt and bring back home the meal. This was in stark contrast to the woman who was exclusively restricted to a sedentary life of child-bearing and house-keeping.
Therefore, the woman’s brain & physique weren’t adequately challenged. Reports amongst South Sudanese Australians suggest that a substantial portion of women opt to offer child day care services. I’m genuinely not baffled by this widespread eventuality. For all practical purposes, even the woman of our modern era would optimally excel in small, repetitive role!
Secondly, there’s a stiffer competition for wives amongst men than amongst women in their bid to get husbands. To eclipse the chasing pack and carry off the prize (the wife), the man must not only be physically superior to his rivals, but also ought to be wittier. The man who is unfortunate enough to be deficient of these benevolent qualities have historically been dumped to the periphery of any society.
Through time, natural selection eventually ensures his descendants fizzle out of the gene pool, effectively rendering him extinct. While the man essentially requires these to gain a competitive edge, the woman only needs to be beautiful in order to summon his attention. She is also only tasked with choosing a suitable spouse, a far mundane challenge.
At this point dear reader, I must stop, for this is certainly not a scientific paper where you would expect a catalogue of postulations to serve as justifications behind the aetiology of the female’s inferiority. My argument was to demonstrate why feminism is a farce. In this paragraph, I would like to summarise my case. In 1860s (please refer to T. Bischoff’s work), Scientists performed series of craniometric experiments to determine the size of the woman’s brain.
The highest measurement ever obtained from a woman was 1,565 grams and it belonged to a woman who had killed her husband. Throughout human history, the woman has always played second fiddle to the man. Any deviation from this norm must be closely monitored. Too much of grandeur might be detrimental for some people. The women who have always proved superior to men have never made the requisite grade of good wives, or house-keepers.
Instead of lending a helping hand to the feminists, I feel that they deserve to be treated to a chorus of utmost contempt. Those who advance feminist views should be educated on the dangerous warmongering they are engaging in as equating a woman to a man would propagate perpetual elevation in the disintegration of family unit. The general implications of this should be better imagined than experienced.
In conclusion, the boy child is born brave, with all the hopes and responsibilities of the future. It is the man who is constantly active in combatting the hurdles of human advancement. Let the girl child remain weak and vulnerable. In evolutionary terms, education induces an almost insignificant transformation in anyone. Nothing will ever harmonise our biological disparities.
Formulating ideas for the welfare of women as a prelude to elevating them to equal societal status as men is an idea of a feeble logical maxim. This facet of activism is a sheer waste of everybody’s energy. Its proponents must know that there are phenomena that you cannot exonerate by just fighting.
The man will always be the serial paragon of wisdom in any human society. Nature has confined women to a position of permanent inferiority. Not even a professorial virtuosity can astutely counter the woman’s innate propensity of excelling in indolence, skewed logic and domination by emotions.
The author, Ajang Barach-Magaar, is a 4th Year Student of B.Sc. Biomedical Technology at the University of Nairobi, Kenya and can be reached through his email: Dau Barach <daubarach@gmail.com>