PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.


2 min read

By Alier Aruoch, USA

Indeed, with love, peace and unity,
we cast aside the devil darkness,
And Look for the nation building.
With no blood spills over the earth,
And No skeleton scared over the soil,
And no blames to each other,
Then All Kids sing song about you.

Your mess spill over us.
My privileged has been extricated,
I’m so pains, sorrowful with scalding tears.
Is this plans for me? No way!
I’m so thirsty, thirsty for healing and national reconciliation.
Truly, give me a chance.

My nation of forgotten peace and unity,
My children, closed families and friends are distressful,
Education, security and food security evaporate.
Indeed, with your mess,

Your seeds of the nation are scatter over the earth,
I discerned, with your power and ability,
You can brought it back.
I trust and I believe in your strategy,
You can processed in your mind.
The ideal path of peace is in your forehead.

Hence, hence, is politics a dirty game?

People sing song of a dirty games,

No really, we are one people, one community,
of the same nation, of the same Nhialic (mungu).
The desired and intimacy are the root for the unity.
The unity we long for,

The unity I born with,
Hatred is a disaster of national building and nowhere to be found.
We are one people of the same Nhialic.

I missed, I missed, and I missed.
The nation of evergreen with natural resources.
I’m pining for my dad’s farmed,
The ranched of grand, grand, grandfather and mother.
I dream for the flying dove,

A flying dove from community to community.
I liked the flying dove,
I teach my kids with the meaning of the flying dove.
I’m, I’m, I’m so distressful,

Bring it back now.

The poet, Alier Aruoch, can be reached at

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