PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Is there any culture better than other cultures on this world? (2-4)

By Marol Ariech Mawien, Aweil, South Sudan

Dinka wrestling matches
Dinka wrestling matches

July 22, 2015 (SSB)  —-  Today our cultures are abolish in favor of western cultures, we value American, European cultures more than ours, you feel humanity, when you are almost moving naked a boy, a girl or women, you feel humanity if you are practicing something which was not in your culture. There is high rate of prostitution today because of this westernization culture, which you don’t care, a husband go for away matches, while he has wife at home, wife for the same business while her husband is at home, a boy and a girl, exactly why do we devalue our cultures, with the influence from doggy cultures, a culture where human beings act beyond animals thinking, today animals are better than human beings.

Western want to control world by imposing their culture instead of existing cultures, because when you are forgetting your culture, make sure you will be the useless person on this world mark me correctly, according to human right laws or international convention on economic, social and cultural right, all the cultures are respected, the convention said everybody has right to speak his own language, and do what his/her culture want him/her to do. But the people who wrote human rights are working down to destroy the cultures by imposing the wrong ones, on the people who already has strong cultures on this world.

Your culture is condemned while it is rights to act in accordance to what your culture want you to be. That mean human rights law are just in the book but not in practice, if so there is no need for western  to control world by imposing their  cultures. There is no need for a system that you were born in should be discourage, to disown it and adopted the new one ,a system where everybody act at his/her own, that is not good for us, we South Sudanese shouldn’t install it ,we are great people .

The worse of all is gay marriage, which was started in the West, they are campaigning to spread it to the World, such that everybody, should not marriage opposite sex but the same sex, I thank Ugandans, Zimbabweans, for rejecting gay marriage to sign it as a bill, who is guilty?, first of all what we know is mature man and woman should marry themselves as opposite sex, establish their family, produce their children, take their care as father and mother, for centuries until today. God the creator is not guilty to created man and woman blessed them to produced children that occupy the world.

The women also need to marry themselves, as lesbian they stayed as two at home, exactly where are we taking our world? If we are all agreed to stick on marrying the same sex, man with man and woman with woman, make sure  after 50 years, there shall be no generation, because there will be no new born, no youth, so what will be the advantage of the same sex marry?

The issue of the same sex marriage is coming from those who want to destroy the world, by imposing human beings thinking, it can’t be true and it will never be acceptable, if they know where God is, they should go back to Him and ask him to recreate all human beings, such that man should have organ of woman and woman should have organ of man, that is where the opposite sex marriage would be applicable. Hyena has two organs at the same time, so they line up, this year , the period should be male hyena act has female and next time the female hyena do the same activities and it was from the creation.

In case of the same sex, animals are better than human beings because ,there is nowhere you can found male animal play sex with the same male animal and female animal play sex with the same female, they should do it because they are animals who doesn’t think like us, so why human beings are doing that?

Marol Ariech Mawien is a concerned South Sudanese living in NBEGS-Aweil to be reached @

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