PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

President Kiir Should Proceed with the Restructuring of the Gov’t under 28 States Paradigm

4 min read

The ongoing restructuring programme in the government of South Sudan of senior ranking officials in the new states is on the way to the system

By Mading Abraham Majur, Kampala, Uganda

October 18, 2015 (SSB)  —  Thanks his Excellency the president Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, for implementing the long overdue policy but the question is how is the public and those affected going to view it, however, in reality this is heath for individual officials and governors as well as new governors and also governments for purposes of policy formulation and implementation, Policy formulation is an important stage in the policy making process.

This is involves the activities and functions of governments perform once issues have been draw to the attention of the officials, the process of policy formulation involves the interaction between various actors both within the society and the state. It should be noted that the government of South Sudan and it various institutions and departments are the major players in the policy making, implementation and evaluation processes in our country.

Policy formulation is therefore the development of policy alternatives for dealing with problems on the public agenda, policy formulation occurs in government beaucracies, interest groups, legislative committee rooms, meetings of special commissions and policy planning organizations otherwise known as think tanks,” the details of policy proposals are  guided by what they know their leaders want the importance of policy formulation is reflected in the determination of courses of action or policy alternatives options which occur as this stage.

It should be realized that one undesirable condition in the community may have various ways through which it can be tackled depending on the availability of state resources like personal, financial, material, equipment or land. Policy formulation requires constant interaction between different terms of government that is the executive including civil services, legislature and judiciary social interest therefore, meet with the relevant government authorities and through communication and consultation, a legitimate policy acceptable to all parties is adapted.

Selecting one policy option among many others is not smooth exercise because it involves many actors pursuing a different interests, this is usually characterized by bargaining, compromise and sacrifice through exchange of ideas by way of debating or brainstorming, also identify alternatives policies which states that once the goals are known and evaluation criteria specified it should be possible to develop a set of alternative ways of getting to the known goals. This may perhaps even should, vary enormously although there is no way to finding alternatives.

The president should offer possible alternatives; thinking hard maybe the most profitable way to identify through research analysis and experiments, through brainstorming techniques and by writing scenarios and therefore, the president is not far from this. I think if possible some of them should be taken for further studies and others retired especially those of old age to allow the new generation in the government system.

Am very certain that with elite class of people we have in this country could have been consulted by the president because the influence the government so that policies are made and implemented the elite therefore, who consist and regarded as individuals of high status in both the state and society play an important role in determining policy options, they includes respectable senior citizens, like civil servants, politicians, religious leaders, individualists, manufacturers, entrepreneurs, professional etc. who are most often consulted by government on policy issues related to their fields of specialty.

Lastly, policy changes are largely within the control of the implementing agency or management, they are therefore, in position to determine the directions, pace and timing of the policy change needed. In this case management or implementers in our government can decide when to start extending the policy and resources they can commit to it and what time frame for implementing in this sense therefore; implementation is seen as essentially a technical or managerial issue. Bravo his Excellency Gen. Kiir the president of South Sudan but please touch others departments of your government policy options and implementation has just started working.

The author is the student from Kyambogo University, faculty of arts and social sciences Department of history and political science and he can be reached on

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