An Anthem of Hope
By Joe Mabior, Malaysia

Dark cloud overshadows Kush.
Hopes fade away and hopelessness encroaches the minds.
Problems seems to breed each dawn and dusk.
And children hearts are broken more and more.
Can we create a great Kush from seemingly shattered Land in minds?
Yes! we can.
Only changing our clouded attitude that sees the dark to see the light,
Only believing we can make Kush great,
Can bring glimmers of hope.
Only by changing our heart that hates ourselves to love ourselves,
Only changing our mind that blames ourselves and
Instead take responsibility for Kush.
Only by stopping doing what is wrong that we know it’s wrong
To do what is right that we know it’s right.
Only by asking what can I do for Kush and not what can I get from Kush.
If we got Kush by
Spears and pangas, blood and flesh,
Empty stomach and dry bones,
Why can’t we feed Kush to overweight?
With gold and overflowing oil.
With forefathers’ wisdom and intelligent minds.
With crops of fertile dark land.
If we can sing the anthem, we can make kush great,
We can make kush overweight.
Through lows and up, we are dark skinned people beyond the river,
We shine, we can make Kush safe heaven!
Copy Right-Joe Mabor 2015
Joseph Mabor Agany
Bachelor (Hons) in Informatian Technology and Communication
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,