PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Our leaders should be conscious of the importance of nation building

By Daniel Machar Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan

corruption and rebellion in RSS
Corruption and rebellion in South Sudan

January 28, 2016 (SSB)  —  First and foremost, I would like to greet all my fellow South Sudanese people who have face great challenges on their own soil as the result of poor leadership. I know that you have never experience the freedom that you fought for. But this what I can tell to my leaders who are holding big positions without delivering good services to people that  being a leader is not just about holding an important position, but in loud the trust, the leader will be held accountable to people. Of course all the leaders were chosen by voters to represent their interests, care for the welfare of the people and also drive the country to greater heights. In this background, leadership is an important area that needs detailed discussion and concentration.

In today’s biosphere, leadership is about having a good understanding of the current political, economic and social dynamics. The ability of leaders to address the related concerns will enable them to face and overcome any adversity. Leadership in Christianity stresses on one important aspect of the whole process which is the concept of trust.

Leaders are appointed or even driven to their positions based on their ability to defence the trust given to them to carry out their responsibilities diligently. Being a leader is not just a matter of filling up a specific important position or job, but in carrying the trust, they are accountable also to people and God. Many leaders today lack this pivotal element in the leadership concept.

However, in South Sudan president kiir was elected with the trust and ability to unite and lead a disintegrated society of different sects and religious beliefs was due to the essence of power bestowed upon him by the society and also through divine authority. We actually trust him to something on this case we thought that he could stop corruption and preach good governance to upcoming leaders of South Sudan.

This aspect is seldom forgotten by our leaders of South sedan who only perceive leadership as a position of authority for them to further their personal interests.  Our leaders accepted to takeover public position with their interests of fulfilling their interest without delivering services to public. All the government funds remain under individuals instead of working to please the entire civil population of the country.

To be just is not easy as personal inclinations and preferences might jeopardise the real elements of justice to be applied. Law has to be enforce to those who misused the public funds and therefore punish according to national constitutions. Our constitution book prohibited wrong doers especially those who consumed public funds. It is imperative to understand that leadership must be coupled with the aspect of good governance. The success of any form of political leadership especially, depends on the ability of the leaders to govern well.

The problems of governance that arise in our nation today are the repercussions of poor management of public resources and failure in policy implementation by leaders who lack commitment, integrity and the relevant knowledge. It is vital for leaders to be knowledgeable and capable of demonstrating high competencies and correct attitudes for their followers to replicate. Through the principle of governance, leaders are expected to be able to contribute constructively and be directly involved in formulating, implementing, controlling and supervising policies that are specifically designed to address the problems of their constituents according to the right order of priorities.

By then South Sudanese people were having hopes and expectations on the leaders that they have elected in the 2010 general election. They expect their leaders to deliver what they have promised to their constituents and also to the public as a whole.  But most voters today have become more politically aware about the dynamics in democracy and would be more likely to examine every action of the leaders that they have elected into office.

When discussing the elements of leadership, one must realise that leaders are the prime movers in the nation-building agenda. Nation building is the process of constructing or structuring a national identity through state power. This process aims at the unification of the people within the state so that it remains politically, economically and socially stable and all structure. In effect, this process will make the nation become strong and resistant in the political long run of national affairs. In carrying out the nation-building agenda, leaders must be proactive and innovative in their approach to ensure that the objectives are achieved.

At this point, I would like to ask our leaders to be more active in-order to stabilise the nation both in security and economic situation of the country. Our Leaders and local people should agree on national building other than supporting violence in the country. The policy of nation building should not just be about making the country economically and politically strong, it also needs to include the creation of a nation that is united and resilient. Our local people should be aware on fighting in tribal line as something that cannot resolve anything at all but as the threat to national building policy.

We have to be proud of our cultural diversities that we have experience in our nation as it put our country in good profile of recognition worldwide. These must be considered as great assets that must be properly handled with wisdom and knowledge. Good leaders could further manage our diversities and control upon the cultural and ethnic plurality to become pillars of strength in building a better nation.

As South Sudanese, we also need to be objective in analysing the performance of the leaders in delivering their promises and carrying out their duties. Being politically and democratically matured also includes our ability to acknowledge improvements and positive changes that have taken place and currently being carried out by our leaders.

Our Leaders must learn to become agents of change and learn to accept the reality that the country and its populace have evolved rapidly with the challenges put forward by the nation today. In facing this, leaders must learn to be innovative and creative to ensure that they remain not just relevant but also well-liked for the right reasons and thanks.

The writer is the Student at South Sudan Christian University, Juba South Sudan. You can reach him through email:

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