PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Who is against the rights of Tonj State Youth?

5 min read

By Mawien Mareng, Juba, South Sudan

young girl with a gun
A young lady with a gun on guard during Governor Philip Aguer visit to Anyidi payam, Bor County, Jan 2016

February 23, 2016 (SSB)  —-  Our one of our biggest problems we have the tendency for our mind to think in an irrational or unbalanced way. We need to be impartial in everything we do as intellectuals of Tonj state. We the youth of Tonj state need to be careful with the way handle our things Or else we are likely to fall in to the deep pit if we keep on looking behind our backs. Am sorry to say that but the situation made me to say it.

We usually see issues and other people through clouded and fuzzy perspective. Am talking about Akec Tong Aleu, the current governor of Tonj state, he is actually our leader as Tonj citizens and therefore, as youth of that particular state have rights to express our grievances to him through a right channel of communications, the media such as an open letter to Mr. governor like what most of the opinions’ writers did to their governors.

I expect respects from my fellow youth of Tonj state and as well as our elders working in the government because that is the only we can coexist and be able to live in happy country .We shouldn’t keep on exchanging blames against one another to prove your smartest to your boss but I rate this as being un professional in the delivery of services.

Therefore, according human right law, each and every one individual has right of expression without being intimated and threaten as I heard and read last week that Mr. Governor had threaten one of journalist based in Juba, such acts of threatening as others are unwanted.

Threats and intimations may lead to more problems, not at least they make life more stressful and depressing. For your information, am one of those who were die hearted supporters of Akec Tong since his appointment by president Salva Kiir as an acting governor of the former Warrap state and so do I as per now. You can’t tell me you are his best supporter than I do but rest I sure that we here telling facts not fictions, for as per now he needs to check himself where he loses directives.

I don’t support people who keep on threatening and blaming others for their faults. It be Mr. Governor’s fault for messing up with appointment of gubernatorial positions in favor of his relatives or based on family merits as written by Dawn newspaper. If such claims are to be facts then there is a need for the citizens to called for his relieve, those the reasons that may bring enmity, it is because of unbalanced sharing of the few resources among the people.

I therefore, suggest to Mr. Governor carefully check the way he distributed the state’s positions. Does it favor the three Counties of Tonj state? I was told that he only appointed Mr Anei Madoor as a mayor of Tonj municipality and that is the only position held by Tonj North County. Does that make sense? I have read that several times on social media, I don’t know whether people wrote them to appease their peers on social media but that might be a fact.

But bear in mind that am here to respect public opinions but not to criticize what Mr. Governor did. I even care whether you support or you against him it is none of my business but we here telling facts. I expect a negative and a positive feedback from this very article of mine and I hope any negativity that comes out it will move me forward.

In this way, I always belief in effective decision making and I guess other youth do. These includes:

  • Knowing my objectives of argument with opponents.
  • Establishing and agree on process of how I can overcome my challenges.
  • Involving the right people to help me in decision making before jumping into the conclusions.
  • I have to make sure that my opinions heard through the help of others.

All these way forwards I mentioned above need every youth of Tonj State and South Sudan youth in general to try forge some of them for steady progress of country. I therefore, argue my fellow youth of Tonj State to remain respectful to one another than writing unhealthy words on social media with an aim of tarnishing state and leaders in general.

I know sometimes we do them in order to appease our bosses to do us favors but need to be very careful in handling such irresponsible acts.


I remain supportive to any development and constructive ideas that would move our state forward rather than encouraging senseless decisions and hatred that may cause division among our people not knowing such acts can drag our state into the mud but pulling it out from the muddy clay will always be a tag of war to manage. I need our state to be a corruption free state among the 28 states of South Sudan.

As a concern, I have this question, how can we get rid of corruption? It will be done through pointing out those individuals trying to misappropriate public funds mend for developmental purposes and those abusing public office. We can’t tolerant form of corruption in Tonj state.

Rest assured that we have to continue to fight corruption cases and sectarianism. We should always try to give credits to hardworking leaders for the job well done, this will minimize corruption cases.

My sincere thanks to those of you have read this article. The author can be reached at

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