PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Jonglei State: Do not blame your governor, Philip Aguer Panyang, but the process!

Governor Philip Aguer Panyang has announced his government with 54% of the portfolios from Bor County; 31% from Twic East and 15% from Duk County

By Makeer Kuol Koriom, Melbourne, Australia

Governor Philip Aguer of Jonglei state
Governor Philip Aguer of Jonglei state

February 26, 2016 (SSB)  —-  In my opinion, Jonglei governor should be congratulated. He has formed his long awaited government. We, the citizens of Jonglei, ought to give our governor and entire governments a blessing so that they can start governing with energy. It is unfair to heap unfounded criticisms on the man.

Hon. Philip Aguer, the governor, was unanimously elected by his County. President Kiir Mayardit later respects people choice by endorsing him. So please, spare the man. Hon. Philip is a man of the people. His recent announcement of his government deserves respect and appreciations.

When other states governors were so quick to form their governments, Jonglei governor was on a state tour. His tour for acquaintances started from Kolnyang Payam

In Bor County passing through all Payams up to Duk Padiet of Duk County in the tip of Jonglei. His intentions were nothing other than to acquaint himself with the realities and plights of the people at local administrative levels. I believe that the tours have enriched the governor with lots of different new perspectives.

Coupling with the tour; the governor was in constant consultations with the communities of Duk, Twic East and Bor. He sought ideas on what need to be done as a first priority of his government. The governor also had ideas on values and grounds on which the government of Jonglei should be based.  It’s therefore imperative to conclude that the tour for acquaintances and consultations have bolstered and informed the governor to form Jonglei’s government the way we see it.

As previously stated, our governor was elected by his community of Twic East; the President later uphold Twic people’s choice. The same token of process was applied in formation of Jonglei government. Some of the recently appointed ministers were firstly nominated by their respective Payams. Hon. Philip Aguer, the governor, did only affirmed the names and implemented his supervisory roles by allocating State’s Ministries.

In that regard, isn’t it irrelevant to accuse and/or criticise the governor for having neglect youth and women. I am not aware of a youth or a woman, who was recommended/elected by his/her Payam, who is later turned down by the governor! Yes, this is a fact. If you, my reader, know any name who was turned down by the governor then please inform us.

As an example; in Kolnyang Payam, where I hailed, my people recommended Hon. Ayom Mach Jok to serve in Jonglei government. Kolnyang Payam, (though a populous as it is), never since 2006 had a person in State or National government. So, when the chance hit (thanks to creator of 28 states) Kolnyang was asked to nominate a person.

We did recommend Ayom Mach Jok who is later tasked by the governor to head Finance and Trade ministry. Hon. Ayom Mach-Duany is a graduate with Business and Economics Degree (1982) from famous Khartoum University. He joined SPLA/M in 1984…he is ranked as Brigadier General in the SPLA.

Back to the point, I also know that Dr Angok Kuol Tiir was recommended by his Anyidi Payam. The same process brought into government Hon Wal Athieu Madol of Makuac Payam; Hon. Akech Yen Alier from Baaidit Payam; Hon. Lith Aluong of Jalle Payam; Hon. Amuor Kuol of Maar Payam, the governor hailed from Paliau Payam, Hon. Dut Achuek was recommended by his Wangulei Payam, Hon. Ding Akol from Lith, Hon. Mayen Ngor Atem was forwarded by his Duk Payuel Payam; Dr Yath Awan Yath was forwarded by Duk Padiet Payam. Given this process, were did the governor gone wrong?

A youth and/or a woman who is complaining for marginalization should look back to his/her Payam! If at all, something is amiss, then it is from our local administrative levels were things might have gone wrong.

The governor exercise his own power by appointing Rachel Amuor Pach as a head of revenue commission. Amuor Pach, is not just a woman, but in her own right, she is a youth. Isn’t she?  I thank the governor for such a bold app ointment. I urge those who criticize the governor to join us in congratulating the governor.

Or if you deemed the call as odd, then please we urge you to hold on. A bad beginning does not always make a bad end! By the way, are the critics aware that Jonglei governor has not announced the House Speaker? The critics should wait. Perhaps the appointment for the Speaker will stifle all criticisms.

Oh, I have also came across critics who had opined that ‘their people’ are not well represented in the cabinet. Really? Such critics have failed to grab differences between legislature, Judiciary and executive (cabinet)! Electorates are represented in the laws making body – Legislature. But not in Executives and Judiciary! The notion of representation in Cabinet is not cutting it, so please swallow it and come out with clear complaints!

Makeer Kuol Koriom lives in Melbourne, Australia. He can be reached at

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