PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Exigence of Public Sector Reform in the Republic of South Sudan

2 min read

By Makuer Marial Agok, Nairobi, Kenya

From rags to riches: the amazing transition of the South Sudanese Minister

March 3, 2016 (SSB)  —  The need for all employees in South Sudan public sector service to build a portfolio of skills which will improve their personal mastery, a shift in their mental models and how they perceived reform development of a share vision, team learning and system learning.

The following important statement have been associated with organizational or public sector “learn” or “die”

Learning is at the heart of company’s ability to adopt to rapid changing environment. A real customer/satisfaction is now extricable tied to innovation. Edgar. H.Schein a world renowned psychologist made the following statement in an interview, “we don’t know a lot about organizational learning.

Sure we know how to improve the learning of an individual or small team but we don’t know how to systematically intervene in the culture to create transformational learning across the organization.

It has been correctly observed that organization learning is essential to employee frequently relocating to new jobs, department, and projects and hoarding knowledge for self-preservation.

Human Resource Development (HRD) practitioners recognize that learning has long term benefits for individuals, organization and society as whole.

In the absence of individual and organization learning, it is noted there are long term cost such as employees’ turnover, mistakes and employee leaving to work for competition.

Learning should be considered as decisive method for addressing most public sector problems and leaders should use learning as a catalyst in designing, intervention and reform aim at achieving tangible result.

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