PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Jieng Council of Elders (JCE) is playing a dangerous game with the UN

They moved taken by Jieng council of elders (JCE) to encounter world body aka “UN” should be consider as a malicious or inappropriate act by tribal organization that should handle their cultural civilization then their intervention in national affairs.

By Ngor Jameson Panchol, Juba, South Sudan

ambrose riny thiik
Ambrose Riiny Thiik, Chairperson of the Jieng Council of Elders

June 1, 2016 (SSB) — Powerless organization like JCE council should not interfered with national affairs and leave their mandate of cultural entity then attacking right body that governed world for more than seventy five year since after second war world two and it had been consider as a genuine body than the former league of nations with their mandate of justice, human rights, peace keeping mission in the zone of conflict or were the humanitarian is needed.

 The attacked by JCE  to UNMISS , which is mandated by state to conduct their mission of  peace, building incapacity institutions , educating government and civil population on human right issues and JCE  took  this  wrong decision ,therefore  I call upon  for their  urgent apology to UNMISS  and also state should intervene and correct or dismiss JCE claims if the government is neutral.

UNMISS refusal to recognized twenty eight states is fantastic move since South Sudanese haven’t reached into consensus on which system of governed they wanted either unitary nor federalism is not yet decided by the masses therefore is the willing of citizens to demand their system not the government to imposed the problematic  system which has already cause discourse  within the communities in all ten states  , therefore the government should listen to people and first deal with the urgent demand what the people are thirsty of it , which is peace.

 When SPLM-IO raise the concerned on issue of federalism the same government which is inciting JCE to act on their behave rejected the proposal of twenty one states with the point that is not the right time for federalism since the South Sudan  is the fragile state and need the state institutions to be developed first  and their demand was considered  when UN and international organizations  see it ,has it might cause more fragamation  and ethnic violent can easily emerge since the issue of borders  dispute  will invited more chaos  to  the communities .

Neutrality is needed to JCE like others tribal organizations, mention them Equatorial Caucus and Nuer Council of elders who are silent on state affairs which is good for them.

 South Sudanese should be observant on the power JCE is acquiring now during Kiir regime that might cause other holocaust in nearby future or this organization seen to develop some secret policies that might be similar with   Muslim brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas in Palestine, and later it will develop radicalization that will turn the nation into big mess again. Transfer of Dinkanization policies should be avoid by JCE since any person from others tribe can rule this country by all means and the might implement their policies that may be also dangerous to the nation.

I am appealing to JCE to embrace peace and advocate for full implementation on the August accord 2015 than sabotaging everything which doesn’t belong to them, Dinka cannot rule this country with hearts of blackmailing others tribe or dehumanized others, that seem to be inhumane and unacceptable, therefore JCE can now reorganized themselves and think positive things then defending leadership which is incredible to run the affairs of the nation.

Writer is the concern citizen of South Sudan, and he can be reach on

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