Agriculture: The backbone of South Sudan’s economic prosperity and political stability
Hunger can only be treated with food not politics! Is Agriculture the backbone of South Sudan Economy?
By Machiek Nhial Makeny, Eldoret, Kenya

June 4, 2016 (SSB) — I am always tossed off from centre of Gravity by failure of the leaders to materialized promises as they nicely and decoratively spoken; in agog and hopes to witness them happening, I still end up in psychological torture when they are nowhere to be seen/implemented. on the other side, after successfully failing to deliver their pledges, they end up being adored and welcomed with more jubilations by the communities they originate from – a dilemma which brings a twist in matrix of who to be blamed, the communities or the leaders who are blindfolding? It’s mystifying to digest with ease unless we seek God’s intervention to reboot everything in this Country. It’s a nasty attitude and discernment which posed a great threat to our status quo as an independent South Sudan. As loudly spoken by the president and his 1st Vice president Dr. Riek Machar before he rebel that Agriculture is the backbone of South Sudan Economy, nothing had appeared to have been achieved despite good words and I am sure they are not the only leaders who have the idea of prioritizing Agro-sector as the main backbone of our economy.
Like I mentioned above that malnutrition cannot be treated with medicine or politics, it is only remedied by food. A politician cannot convince a hungry man or a woman to listen to his/her political ideologies unless he/she is catered for nutritionally and maximally ensured adequate security. We cannot do away with one and think we are doing better politically, they must be provided together because the absence of one affects the other, they are just like complimentary goods in economics (tea and sugar). None of us unless otherwise cannot always take tea without sugar and vise versa. The Government can indirectly provide food to the populations through good security which allows citizens to attend their economic activities without fear and therefore they must be looked upon thoughtfully by any Government that aspire to work for the welfare of its citizens.
With the pressure from the international community mounting on the Government to reverse the controversial 28 states, the international community has issued a condition that they will only donate to the government of South Sudan if only the President reverses his decree to denounce the current 28 states and revert to previous ten (10) states. This is a clear indication that we are being driven by the International world in which America and TROIKA claimed to be the political god-fathers or directors in this great land of Kush. I strongly recalled and agree with a quote by Thomas Isidore Noël Sankara (a prominent Paan Africanist from Burkina Fasso) that “anyone who feeds you is your controller” just like lactating mothers do, they decide to breastfeed their babies based on ethical and norms connected with human races all over the world otherwise she can refuse and the baby becomes vulnerable to continue living, and this is the case we are currently in as South Sudanese. Who is that to disagree with his political statement! African Countries will only be free and independent when they liberate themselves from the so called Neocolonialism.
By definition, it’s the mischievous practice by the world super powers such as the America and European Countries to indirectly exert their influence over political, social, and economics dominance to their former controlled spheres more especially in Africa as a continent. In other words, it’s a colonization by ideas where European ideas are regarded superior and African ideas inferior. In this world, anyone can claim or install himself/herself God if he/she is more powerful by eliminating every obstacle that distract his/her attentions and movements by hook or crook, if I ask, where is Dr. John Garang, Thomas Sankara, Meles Zenawi, Muammar Gaddafi. They perished in a very mysterious way and God Almighty is grievously watching the self installed Earthly gods who are ruling the world and claimed to be always 100% error free. They can commit serious atrocities but because they are gods who can touch or even dared to question their actions. Their mistakes are counted or blamed on innocent people and poor Governance in Africa.
Just like other Paan Africanists, Thomas Sankara has a unique charisma which is anti-imperialism, he abolished foreign aid, and controlled the influence of the International Monetary Fund, and World Bank and then prioritized Agriculture as the tool of fighting hunger in Burkino Fasso. He did not had enough money more than what we have in South Sudan but he had a spirit that forged the unity through the rule of law and encouraged his subjects (citizens) to believe that relying on foreign aids is dangerous to the Sovereignty of their Nation and it worked out well though he was shamefully murdered by the gods through same Africans he was fighting for their rights. South Sudan can learn a lot from Burkino Fasso experience and this is the time we should unite and form a politically and economically viable nation capable of handling her affairs without foreign intervention.
Is Agriculture the backbone of South Sudan Economy?
The answer is automatically yes, we have been relying on oil which has done so little development since 2005 when SPLM and NCP signed the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. With only one tarmac highway (juba Nimule highway) constructed with the help of USAIDs, the Government has more to do with so little funds in hands. To lift the status of the transport sector and other sectors like health, Agriculture, Security, Education, we need to prioritize income generating sectors where agriculture falls and this can only be done by injecting more money in those sectors to help raise the output in terms of produce which then influences the individual per capita and National GDP. Let us not forget that Oil production will last while the undermined Agriculture will be there forever in our History.
let me hypothesized that we all know the definition of Agriculture because everyone lives today because of agriculture, but my main aim is to identify the major sectors our Government and people of South Sudan should venture in to avoid overreliance to harmful foreign aids and food products from Uganda and Kenya even in stuff we can produce locally and cheaply. What don’t we have? We have abundant land bigger than Kenya and Uganda, a huge number of people who are unemployed, animals, natural forests and wild animals, abundant natural water that comes from rains and natural catchments such as lakes and rivers that can be used as an alternative sources of water for agricultural activities, the list is long to complete. South Sudan can invest and improve her economic status if the Government and the people start adapting these agricultural activities mentioned below.
This is simply the science of growing crops and possibly considering other factors such as management practices in soil, control of pests etc in relation to crop production. It does not signify only on small scale but all including intensive and extensive agriculture. We can be potential bread basket in the East African region by prioritizing organic Agriculture which is less expensive, human and ecosystem friendly because it eliminates risks associated to chemical hazards that arise from the use of synthetic/industrial crop nutritional products “inorganic fertilizers”. We have a land that is capable of producing on large scale crops such as sorghum, millet, rice, bean, groundnuts and above all I learned of a recent that Western Equatoria is the only place where two types of coffee (Arabica and Robusta) perform very well and that is an opportunity we need to exploit as a nation to produce best quality in the region.
This can be achieved by employing experts to carryout feasibility survey mainly on soil types, pests, and climate in relation to crop yields, performance and potential future risks and uncertainties that poised threats to the survival and continuity of this cash crop. Even the Ngundeng whose prophesies are the source of South Sudanese sufferings once prophesied that Agriculture would be backbone of our Economy when he said “Koryom Diet chame gol ke duoth; be cham ka jaye, chame Nyajak; …gole ci beele tang tol”, which means (foreigners or white people) will eat in the land with smiles; they will eat and deny it; eat in it Nyajaak (light colored); my land’s agricultural produce have broken the straws or sticks. By Machel Amos, 2011, On the ancient prophesy on the raising of the South Sudanese flag, Ngundeng seemed to have misread the message from the spirits.
Doctor Garang and SPLM vision of taking town to people, I guess, was framed on developing rural areas through Rural Sociology in which agriculture plays major role. Agriculture plays a major role in every country’s development and let us take United State of America as prime example. The history of Rural Sociology- widely offered in most universities (public or private) worldwide humbly started in United States of America by then President Mr. Theodore Roosevelt in early 20th. This period was marked by mass poverty, poor health and increase in rural urban migration.
All those vices were results of industrial and technological revolution in America and this forced the president to establish a federal financial support to Agriculture extension service in Rural Areas. We can copy paste that policy if it has no adverse effects to our nation. It is a role and responsibility of the Government to plan services such as electricity, clean water, network, housing facilities to experts working in rural areas such the Agriculture extension officers, researchers, education and health personnel such that they deliver services to the local population efficiently while enjoying Government services and protection.
Livestock production
Are domesticated animals such as cows, goats and sheep, pigs, poultry, etcetera managed in the farm for one or more reasons? Most of the proteins is derived from this group either in meat (pork, beef, chicken) milk, or eggs. Other important products obtained from this animals include, wool, hooves for making buttons, skins and hides for making shoes and leathers. More importantly, I would like to focus on products such as meat and milk, many of the populace won’t missed a day in their meals.
If I am not mistaken, South Sudan must be topping the world in number of cattle that are purely indigenous breeds. But are we and our Government aware of this? Maybe yes, and if so why are we importing Banyankole cows from Uganda? Do we benefit in any way from this business? From the cattle production itself, South Sudan can built a powerful and vibrant economic society in the world through ranches (particularly on beef production) and improving on the quantity of milk through crossbreeding between the indigenous and exotic breeds to produce hybrid vigor or progenies that are genetically adapted to the local climate, resistant to diseases and produces much more milk.
Our Government or any individual who needs to run this rich enterprise would reap fortunes by alleviating challenges and risks through provision of basic necessities such as control of diseases, good nutrition, and providing clean water to these livestock.
The Government has roles to play in,
- Curbing down crimes associated to cattle; cattle raids and thefts should be discouraged completely by laws to be constituted in the constitution and whoever breaks the law is regarded a criminal and must be held accountable.
- Provision of veterinary drugs and laboratory services to help detect diseases early before they become epidemic or before they cause big economic loss to the Nation.
- Ladies should be encouraged to run businesses in Poultry, goats and sheep production by offering them with microfinance programs by ensuring efficient and timey provision of loans.
- Hiring experts to train the stakeholders
This is the process of rearing bees for honey and other byproducts such as bee wax, and propolis which can be use for different purposes,
- Honey can be used as food as it provides natural sugar
- Propolis is medicinal as it is an antibiotic
Apiary can be done in all parts of South Sudan, Bahr el Ghazel, Equatoria and Upper Nile. It’s the cheapest project to be managed since no more science is involved apart from availing food and water for the bees which are freely available throughout South Sudan as Country. The materials to construct bee hives are readily available and it is a matter of taking the courage to start as others consider it a nasty and low economic class project— one can make millions out of it in a shortest time possible.
Following the interview by President Salva Kiir Mayardit with Aljazeera, he mentioned that “there are people who have sharpened their appetite and could grab something so quickly to enriched themselves” your Excellency It is high time to stop and punished people who have that appetite of consuming anything that comes their way, I think they might have developed it from pig’s slogan that “anything touchable is eatable” which may literally means “anything public money is subjected to looting”
Your Excellency, if you were aware this money would be used for funding rebellions to topple your regime, I think you would be more serious to constitute laws that restrict corrupt officials and officers from stealing Government funds. There is no way you can fight such a huge and well equipped army as a person, you need to empower the parliament to enact laws that protect public funds from the people managing public institutions. Your government must develop strong legal penalties which hold individuals accountable for their bad deeds.
The elites who had been looting the Government will soon impose oligarchy a system of Governance where rich minority uses their power and money to suppress the poor majority. What would we say to the innocent veterans who perished for the course of our independent south Sudan? Indeed they did not die in vain but we failed to honor them through tribal rebellions and corruption.
The author, Machiek Nhial Makeny, is a third year student pursuing Bachelor of Science Agriculture at the University of Eldoret, Rift Valley, in Kenya. You can reach him via his email:
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