Squatters to be evicted in Bor
By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei state

June 12, 2016 (SSB) — The chairperson of Jonglei state land commission has warned that the government will take measures to dispossess the lands occupied by squatters since 2006 in Bor Municipality.
Squatters have settled in Bor town areas of Taragok, Fangak, Negil, Langbaar, Marol, Naivasha, Hai-Salam, Malou, Block 8, and Hai-Referendum an area allocated to members of organized forces.
Bor town was surveyed in 2006-2007 when Hon Philip Thon Leek was the Governor of Jonglei state and Jok Aring the commissioner of Bor County and with town planning carried out by Ministry of Physical infrastructure of former Minister Amuor Kuol.
The Transitional constitution of South Sudan 2011 article 143, Jonglei state transitional constitution 2011, land act article 7, insist that the land belongs to the people of South Sudan and its usage regulated by the government of the respective levels.
The Neighboring Payams of Anyidi and Makuach (newly established Bor East and Bor Central counties) have been accusing the government for grabbing the land without their knowledge. The head chiefs of Anyidi and Makuach who represented their payams at the conference, call off the meeting requesting the governor to organize another meeting with them.
Hon. Lual Guot, the chairperson of Jonglei state land commission, accuses squatters of turning residential into business land violates the rules and regulations of universal policy of urban planning, he calls for expulsion of squatters without further delay.
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