PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Apuk and Aguok peace & reconciliation at Abuokdit did not reflect the will of the two communities

Apuk and Aguok Peace & Reconciliation Conference at Abuokdit did not reflect the will of two fighting communities in both Resolutions and in conference

By Lino Lual Lual, Juba, South Sudan

tribalism in south sudan

June 15, 2016 (SSB) —- Former greater Warrap state and in particular newly created Gogrial state community has been seen as a beacon of peace and stability in the region. However, the newly created Gogrial state has suffered low intensity internal conflicts mainly associated with competition for resources such as pasture, land and border disputes, water and livestock in the pastoralists’ areas. The community communal conflict witnessed in the 2005 was seen by many as a trigger of what has always been a simmering conflict, destruction of property and loss of lives, displacement of persons and the general negative impacts to the social, political and economic affairs of Gogrial state community.

The situation sparked regional and national interventions culminating in the mediation efforts by former neighboring communities group call to form (Akac Akac) in Dinka language, meaning enough or stop. The success of the mediation of Akac Akac and government in Tonj first conference had eventual bring signing of the peace in 2008 until it has started again and again. Since the leaders of Greater Gogrial have not been part of Apuk and Agouk peace and reconciliation conference which casts doubts on the credibility of the concluded conference.

There were a lots of leadership weakness in Gogrial state shows that after those community peace and reconciliation imposed at the low political level excluding senior representative from both waring communities in participation and lack of administrative experiences and plans to support for a coordinated approach by Gogrial State leadership. The number one chiefs of both communities did not put their signatories in the resolution of Apuk and Aguok peace conference (paramount chief, Ayom Wek Kuanyin of Aguok and paramount chief, Thondit Angok Deng of Apuk). Where these resolutions forge not from the conference or why?

It is harder for the peace in Gogrial state to be restore in the roles of state where its leadership have a strong interest in difference things. Because, justice should have been the first in agendas and resolutions after the conference but there has been seemingly no accountability on the perpetrators who kill the two sons of Sultan Kuec Mayar Yel in cold blood reflected in the list of resolutions. What was the conference about?

However, the state cannot compel forgiveness, neither has it provided an environment that will encourage people to forgive. The challenge is to manage this sense of injustice among affected communities to prevent retaliatory actions or further violence in the future. Why would Gogrial state governor plan to encourage development opportunities only to the border of warring communities but not state communities?

Will this not cited other peaceful communities of Kuac community, Awan Chan community and Awan Mou community with no choice but to initiate conflict so that they get the development benefits too. In many communities in South Sudan, victims of violence are still waiting for an explanation about why their neighbors with whom (they assumed) they had been living in peace for several years could suddenly turn around and attack them and their property.

The exchanges that take place between the governor, deputy governor and individuals during their conversations in Abuokdit should seek to produce a clear narrative of what occurred. It is alright if the narrative identifies specific individuals responsible for the violence in Gogrial state. Does banning of cultural activities such as fattening in Aguok and Apuk peace and reconciliation resolutions link with conflict? Many alleged perpetrators in this kind may not be moved by this process or express their willingness to reconcile with their victims and describe their particular roles during the conflict.

Reconciliation with victims is not just a three days’ conference but it can be quite structured and can include discussions about issues of restitution. Unity, reconciliation, love and forgiveness are common values among all human beings, regardless of culture, ethnicity or religion where the healing, truth and reconciliation process results in acceptance of responsibility for the violence and expressions of apology, it is relatively easy to move towards a negotiation of the future and the roles/responsibilities.

What the peace and reconciliation session should seek to achieve is clear credit to community of Gogrial state to know of how the conflict has impacted all sides and more importantly an acknowledgement that the communities desire to continue to live in peace despite the interest on them by the Gogrial state leadership. Such a process can be achieved by encouraging community members to engage in a visioning of the kind of community they want to have. This dream will usually include a local perception around solutions to some of the national level factors.

The state government should encourage the development of a consensus around a common dream of the community for their future. What would community members need to do to ensure the realization of elements of this idea? The community could develop its own particular responses to some of the national level issues that affect local communities. For example, they may identify unequal access to land as a national issue that could be tackled through local-level mechanisms to address it. For instance, locally communities and authorities may agree on how land access and distribution may be more equitably regulated.

What were the beating aims of conducting conference by government of Gogrial state without clear agendas and purpose? Was it not to cheat national government in their fail to address conflict in the state and bring culprits in the book? Was it not organized base on Makiir Gai interest to sign the first legal document in his life as Aguok community leader? Was it not a project designed to get money from UN, NGOs and National government?

It should be acknowledged that some groups may be unwilling to make commitments for the present if they are unsure that their opponents will be willing to make the same commitments.

The author is a master of strategic studies at Centre for Peace and Development Studies University of Juba, He can be reached via

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