Judges involve on strikes: What a nation is South Sudan!
“How do you expect us to go broke and hungry yet we rule on million dollar graft cases?” mused the striking judges in Juba, South Sudan
By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

June 26, 2016, (SSB) – I wish judges would have resigned instead to go on over strikes, and that’s right strikes of professionals as judiciary is part of executives who are responsible for national affairs. How somebody can turns spear on his/her stomach unless it is suicide. How can you put a knife and robe on your throat and your neck while seeing it? You are the Ultimate Judges, deliverers and true rulers of the nation, don’t you know it?
What a nation like South Sudan where judges or rulers want to go on strikes as unassigned citizens? All over the worldwide, strikes are done without involvement of Judges. It is exactly confusing; the nation is perishing and dead. Please having an open mind and ego of empathy is the profession of the following specialists: Medical doctor, Judges, Pastors, Advocates, Social workers, Counsellors, gifted leaders, and national security personals. They don’t go on strikes.
Judges are important tools and main pillars of the government, therefore, anything to do away with the government, is none of their business, they may not be part of such destruction, whether they dislike the government or not, they don’t participate. If the citizens want to go on strikes, it is none of their business I repeated because independence law firms, or judges employed by the government are to protect the government, and judges are very people in different planet within the societies. And judges a long side their security aliens, they are professions of famous ethics of the related fields of life to safety, normality, and calmness among societies.
Judges cannot be led astray on strikes because these strikes contain number of incidents that may occur when strikes happen, which the judges interpreted into accountabilities, and responsibilities, and compensation after strikes off. There is no reason and justification for judges in South Sudan to go over strikes and being part of riots which they intentionally know as part of uprising against government or overthrowing government.
I don’t know in South Sudan, if judges went on strikes; follow by soldiers, students, teachers, and the entire civil populations, then who will judge the matters arise on strikes or cases of strikes disadvantages? I know judges are the same people who are also sharing the same economic problems like other South Sudanese, and they have families, wives and children, but they are not fit on strikes. Why judges are abandoning their important profession? May be they are like a hungry lion. A hungry lion is always seeking to devour even the sick animals without empathy for its own survival, Case of south Sudan economy.
To reflect on judges’ importance, judges are all the time watchful enough to analyse events with having an open mind, shut-up and listen carefully, replace self-ego with empathy, and read things between lines of problems and solutions. I wonder in South Sudan where those who are solution to problems involved themselves into problem, will that problem really be solve? Well we have a responsible government, but in other nations, one would have gone home.
In this case of judges who want to go on strikes, I want to remind them back to the time of judges in Israel. The tittle describes the leaders of Israel had from the time of the elders who outlived Joshua until the time of Monarchy. Their principle purpose is expressed in Judges Chapter 2:16, “then the Lord rose up judges who saved them out of the hand of raiders”. When Prophet Moses raised leaders in Israel and died, Joshua took over Israelites leadership and he failed to raised up another generation of leaders, the loyal citizens of Israel unfortunately moved surprisingly into, “dark age”, and God raised Israel ‘s “ultimate judges, and deliverers”,( judges Chapter 11:27). Judges later on insists that the Lord is Israel’s true ruler. That was not the big issue because judges got the fruit of leadership; it becomes an important of government executives up to today.
For this matter yaah Judges, you are South Sudan ultimate judges, and deliverers, why do you involve on strikes? Your right decision is to resign so that whenever there is any riot in the country, you can be very clean indeed and judge the matters independently, and confidentially.
It is sad news to hear that the right drivers of a nation are so blinded by the so called global economy crisis which is tough on South Sudan due to lack of agricultural industries and elements against food insecurity, and the war in 2013-2016, which its consequences assisted the downfall of the economy, and they could not see this very reasonable impacts by abandoning their (judges), roles, rules, ethics, code of law to join political games to devastate the whole nation. Don’t you know people if there are movements of elites against the government, is there any secret ground for hiding without people dying? Why do we like destruction? I am advising that you don’t involves yourself in political rumours, whenever there are changes, you are ever there or when the new government comes, its will get there, because strikes are not judges professions.
Something interesting in South Sudan where everybody at the Sun rise and at the Sun set may decide to do something without proper analysis, its becomes a culture but even a culture is dynamic. I would like to conclude by saying that judges are South Sudan nation pillars of judiciary with capacity building to let strengthen law foundation that will bring law listening ability in our country than option for pitfall, if there is spirit of nation building and nationalism. God bless South Sudan.
The author is a co-founder of National Mental Health Care Organization (NMHCO); He holds Bachelor degree in Social Work and Social Administration from SSCUST, Bachelor of Theology from CLT, Bungoma, Kenya/Kalispell, USA, and a fellow researcher. He can be reach at tonggaid551@yahoo.com or davidmatiopgai@gmail.com.
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