PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

It is time for the Government to dialogue with G-10; otherwise, it’s going to get ugly

By Wilson Mading Koc, Nairobi, Kenya

August 5, 2016 (SSB) — Late last year I urged the President of the Republic of South Sudan Comrade Salva Kiir to immediately initiate dialogue with the former detainees. That appeal is obviously not adhered to and the consequences are on the way screaming loud for all to hear.

Former detainees are not outsiders or guests in the SPLM, they are the SPLM and if for any reason President Kiir is proud of the role he played in the bush then it was because some of these individuals/commanders helped him achieved that objective. They were his foot soldiers/ officers Kiir ca not claimed to be a hero/ veteran in the absence of these people.

 If Dr Garang was to resurrect today what would shock him most is the news that Pagan Amum,  Majak Agoot,  Oyai, Deng Ajak,  Dr Cirino Hiteng, Madut Biar,  Mac Paul are in exile  having been forced to stay outside South Sudan for fear of their  lives.

These people were great and respectable commanders and Michael Makuei can call on Riek Machar all he wants but it changes when he disrespects the aforementioned generals because everyone’s contribution in the liberation is still fresh in our minds and Michael cannot behave as if he did better than these people.

Michael Makuei was an alcoholic, he engaged in armed sale around Pochalla, something that almost cost him his life in the bush, he never took part in any theatre and has no moral standing to challenge the decorated generals, for holding opposing views to his.

His recent address to the media trashing all the international bodies including the UN, AU, IGAD and JMEC is telling and those blessed with brains would understand that he is a saboteur within the government and should not be cheered. This man gives his political opponents the necessary ammunitions to confront the government from all fronts.

South Sudan as things stand today is not an island but a land locked country. South Sudan cannot declare war on IGAD member states who all along stood by South Sudanese people.

IGAD member states excerpt for Sudan, have been South Sudan main allies and Makuei and the government he serve will always be blamed for their foolhardiness, for confronting the same states that are its passage to the outside world. He needs to retract his venoms because South Sudan is increasingly becoming an endangered species under Makuei and his likes.

G10 cannot be forced to kneel down before the likes of Makuei and this is where government should be smart to change the narrative because South Sudan knows these persons as heroes during the war of Independence.

They are not Riek who introduced tribalism in 91’ and surrendered himself to Bashir later in 97’. They were the zonal commanders when Michael Makuei was over-run by alcohol in Narus, until Dr John Garang came to his rescue in 2003 and had him put into the delegation of the SPLM headed for talks in Naivasha.

G10 are not a walk over and Kiir handlers must understand they have the region behind them. It must be underscored here that the assumption that China, or Russia will come into the Aid of Juba is far-fetched. South Sudan is an American domain and what the United States says is what prevails.

Constant name calling of the United States and the regional friends make them see friendship in G10 and of course perceiving government as posing threat to their interest in the region.

Let nobody be cheated every country have their interest in each other, including the Republic of South Sudan and there would be no way a region would allow a regime that has sworn to finance and support rebellion in neighbouring countries.

If South Sudan gets invaded tomorrow Makuei is entirely culpable.

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