PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

South Sudan's citizens set preconditions for accepting 'protection force' in the country

By David Aoloch Bion, Juba, South Sudan

The current state of RSS

August 8, 2016 (SSB) — We, the citizens of South Sudan welcome the strategic decision by the Government to accept the deployment of  regional protection force, We also have the reservations and we set 3 preconditions for accepting the  deployment of  foreign forces on our soil .

The Constitution of South Sudan gives the government its duties as the government of the people and it also gives the citizens their duties as the citizens of the country who  make up the state.

As a duty of good citizens of any Republic is to defend the territorial integrity and state sovereignty of her  or his country from internal or external threat  or any act of aggression , we did that,  when we  demonstrated on the streets  rejecting  any foreign intervention or invasion .

For diplomatic reasons, the government succumbed to the international pressure. The international community  and the region are envied and jealous of South Sudan economic potential , they encourage political instability in order to stop South Sudan from economic development .

The poor Ethiopia whose citizens are dying every day crossing to Europe on the desperate journeys want to make money from UN  by contributing troops to South Sudan to boost its  poor economy .

As wars are caused mostly by poverty in World  , Ethiopia want to take a military adventure on South Sudan on pretext of stopping internal fighting ,but the real reason is purely economic  , Ethiopia want to come and loot South Sudan’s resources .

At first , the people and the Government rejected the deployment of regional forces but because of threat pose by Ethiopia and Kenya and which is backed by UN , which says ‘’ if South Sudan reject the protection force to protect its civilian then IGAD will directly invade South Sudan to  remove the government there – ‘’the  Regime Change ‘’.

In fact, there is no different between protection, intervention and invasion, all these words are used interchangeable depending on the motive behind , they are the same for sake of public relations . the word invasion is sugarcoated as protection .

In order to avoid  military confrontation between IGAD and people of South Sudan , the government accepts the deployment of protection force in principle so that it allows a room for negotiation or a room for South Sudan to maneuver diplomatically.

We , the citizens are humiliated if we see small  Ethiopia soldiers moving with guns on our soil.  We, the citizens are ashamed if we see small Kenya   politicians talk in our domestic affairs. Such hegemony status that the Ethiopia and Kenya want to enjoy in South Sudan is meant for superpower like Great Britain or France.

We, the citizen accept the protection force but we reject two things in IGAD Communiqués, 1. The deployment of soldiers from the frontline state, which are Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya , Uganda  2. Return to status quo, this means the reinstatement of Dr Riek Machar .

We reject the frontline states  troops because they have taken sides in South Sudan conflict  already . Uganda is supporting the government . Ethiopia,  Kenya  and  Sudan are supporting the opposition . .

if Ethiopia troops are deployed in South Sudan , it will give them a  blank check to change their mandate to  covert operation ,they will shape event to topple the government and install the government of their choice since they  concluded that South Sudan is failed state and need to be put on life support according to Princeton Lyman .

As soon as Ethiopia and Kenya armies are on South Sudan soil , they will begin rewriting  the rule  in middle of the game and the small Ethiopian army inside Juba can start the war and knowing that reinforcement will just come in across border within shortest time possible.

Toppling of any government is not new, it happened in Iran, Chile, Guatemala and Afghanistan.

We  also reject the return to status quo of Kiir-Riek because ;

  1. Riek left Juba voluntarily after Kiir protected him.
  2. Riek is war carrier, if you return him there, you return the war to J1 .
  3. Kiir and Riek will not work together in whatsoever case.
  4. If you keep Taban there,  you save South Sudan .

Based on the above concerns, We , the citizens recommend to the government the following 3  preconditions .

  1. The negotiation of protection force should be done by African Union with government not IGAD . , this will give South Sudan access to other strong countries in Africa Because IGAD is divided into  member countries interests in South Sudan,  therefore ,  IGAD is biased and has become the  part of the problem in South Sudan ,  not right arbitrator any more .
  2. The government should  take soldiers from Djibouti instead of Ethiopia , soldiers from Egypt instead of Sudan , soldiers  from Tanzania instead of Kenya,  soldiers from Rwanda instead Uganda .
  1. Last but not the least , the government should launch a  diplomatic campaign among the African countries to get  strong allies in Africa continent .  because if Ethiopia and Kenya attempt to overthrow the government like Rwanda and Uganda did in 1999 when they attempted to overthrow the government of Democratic Republic of Congo , then South Sudan can be helped by its allies like the allies of DRC who are  Namibia , Angola and Zimbabwe, flashed out Ugandan and Rwandan  forces.

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