PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Who is behind the killing of nine farmers in Renk, North Eastern Nile State?

Who is behind the killing of nine farmers in Gosspami, and Gossrom of Renk, North Eastern Nile State?

By Mading Abraham Majur, Renk, South Sudan

September 2, 2016 (SSB) — It has been going on and on since the beginning of this month where farmers are being butcher by unknown gunmen, group form of eight people in Gosspami, and Gossrom just 5km away from Renk county HQS and the county authority has remain indoor without commenting of what is taking place.

It is something discouraging and shocking news to hear such incident which occurred all the time and the concern authority has remain silent without taking the necessary security measures to eliminate these group of unknown gunmen which has killed only the innocent people that knows nothing about South Sudan politics.

I argue the state government of Eastern Nile state and Jamus Division commander to speed up and rescue the innocent farmer’s life from the hands of these unknown gunmen before thing become worse, otherwise this situation will not be endured if insecurity has continuing going on were peace spoilers are trying to gain their goals and do anything that they can, to destabilize the inhabitants of Renk.

It never happen since the crisis took place in Juba 2013, between long term rival and former first vice president Dr. Machar, and president Kiir, for Renk inhabitant to lost nine people and burned to cinders in just one day unknown gunmen, hence, the county authority and Jamus Division commander plus other security organs need to established the conducive environment and find out who these group are before citizens start pointing fingers by blaming the county authority and security organs.

Renk Eastern Upper Nile State was the only peaceful area in greater Upper Nile since the beginning of the crisis in accommodating all different tribes of South Sudan community and lives peaceful amongst themselves without segregation but at moments the peace spoilers of South Sudan are trying harder to destabilize the community of Renk.

Therefore, I argue the county authority and Jamus Division commander Maj.Gen. David Manyok, to speed up the security and get rid of these killers for the safety movement of our farmers in their agricultural field.

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