PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The politics of ethnicity in South Sudan

“Do not think of what you’d do to your tribe but think of what you’d do to your Country”

By Duluma SK’Maker, Juba, South Sudan

tribalism in rss

September 9, 2016 (SSB) — The phenomenon of state collapse in extreme cases have increasingly been fueled by the emergence of the politics of ethnic loyalty and regional identity. The rise of ethnic politics may have wide-ranging consequences as well as putting nation building stake. In many cases, this is subsequently exacerbated by the attempt of major ethnic groups to consolidate their dominance under the guise of nation building. Such tensions for instance, resulted in the Biafra war in Nigeria, the resort to terrorism by Christian Tamils in Sri Lanka, Tutsi and Hutus war that resulted in 1994 Rwanda genocide, and the recent case of South Sudan etc.

Although ethnics’ rivalries resulted in a legacy of bitterness and resentment, it remains as a vehicle for political liberation in most countries. For instance, the then Southern Sudan liberation wars against the successive Islamic Khartoum-based regimes started on ethnic basis. In the then Sudan, the African-Christians in the Southern region were united along racial and religious identities and the hatred towards the common enemy which provided a means of confronting a dominant Arab-Muslims culture and minority led government in the Northern region.

The unity of common purpose of the founding fathers of this great nation (South Sudan) fought for the socio-economic, cultural and political marginalization and racial oppression. after the independence, the long pretense of unity of South Sudanese people came in doubt; “the mindset of ethnic loyalty and regional identity manifested itself clearly”, for instance, the Dinka and Nuer support for President Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar respectively shows ethnic loyalties while for the case of Equatoria, the people of greater Equatoria seem to be more happier when they are called Equatorians more than being South Sudanese.

After the 23rd July 2013 President Kiir government major reshuffled, the ruling SPLM party divided immediately along ethnic lines and regional basis; that is to say, Most of the Nuer bitterness and resentments were shown clearly after the removal of Dr. Riek Machar , their support incase Dr. Machar contest presidency became imminent, the Equatorians on the other perspective rallied behind Kiir’s government happily because of the Lion’s share they got while the people of Bahr el Ghazal region where the president hails enjoy the prestige of Kiir’s leadership regardless of unequal share they receive in the government despite being the largest region in the country. What a pity!!

The unfolding event of the press release of 6th Dec. 2013 by the ” relieved politicians” was a warning message to the South Sudanese people about the beginning of the political crisis of the SPLM Party as well as the country. These very politicians comprised the two groups, ” the G-10 ” and ”the SPLM-IO” who are betraying our beloved country to the thugs of the West, the so-called ”TROIKA” on daily basis. Following the unsuccessful SPLM Convention in Nyakuron, it wasn’t surprising to witness the incidence of 15th Dec. 2013 failed coup attempt.

What the author himself witnessed was unbelievable, I was totally confused whether to cry or to laugh about the amazing game of power. It was flying bullets everywhere, what all people were hearing are sounds of guns and explosions. After 3 days of the incident, the ethnic loyalty proved itself where most of Dr. Machar’s tribe men of Nuer rebelled and joined his rebellion targeting Kiir’s tribe men of Dinka ethnic group especially in towns of greater upper Nile region while regional identity affected Equatorians on the other hand by calling it a war between Dinka and Nuer, one of great politician of Equatoria was quoted as stating it in certain occasion.

There are many questions to be asked regarding the way the very people who liberated this country from merciless Arabs are handling the affairs of this nation;

  1. Is this the South Sudan we struggled for?
  2. Why did ethnic and regional identities become so important in politics of this country?
  3. What accounts for the rise of this new style of politics?
  4. What is its political character?

Anyway, political analysts and commentators can best answer these questions. the renewed importance of ethnicity in South Sudanese politics, however, came as a surprise to most political commentators because the unity of common purpose of South Sudanese people in the then Sudan against Muslim-Arabs was because of ” National Identity” or ethnic nationalism. It’s quite racial but the case of now is unclear, people of the same historical origins and identity fighting themselves without genuine causes, or because of power.

If it’s a game of throne but not a game of reforms so that government could deliver services to people, then ethnic loyalty and regional identity shall be the determining factors of who leads the masses irrespective of his/her competences in this nation. one of Equatorian politician boiled up negatively when he heard the IGAD-TROIKA proposal that reinstated Dr. Machar in his former seat at the expense of current patient vice president Wani saying ”we Equatorians are not followers, we are also Leaders, if removed we shall fight.” he warned.

For your information he is not a vice president because of his regional identity but because his a committed, and patient SPLM cadre with leadership qualities since the dark days of liberation war. Anyway you have issues of political parties’ identities. He (Wani) according to SPLM party is a national figure but not regional caliber. “Do not think of what you’d do to your tribe but think of what you’d do to your Country.” As a nationalist, it is your duty to do anything you can to bring a positive change to your country especially we the youths because our blood had cemented the national foundation of this nation.

At a personal level, I am deeply disappointed by the youths of Equatoria for their scorched to earth campaign to eliminate Dinka who are residing or passing through their territories; imagine how can a tribe be coded like this “MTN” and it is this very tribe you hate now that had liberate you from all sort of abuses from the merciless Arabs. I personally condemned it strongly and ask the Equatorian politicians to advise their sons not to continue with such inhumane killings of Dinka in their territories.

Should they continue, it will not go unpunished, be warned of the repercussions of ethnic wars in advance. Therefore, let all advocate for a peaceful coexistence in the country and face the challenges of a nation building with one vision of togetherness for our country.

In conclusion, firstly, I would be of opinion that, the Numeri’s created three regions of Bahr el Ghazal, Equatoria and Upper Nile in the past as a mean of divide and rule policy in order to weaken the then Southern Sudan nationalism be abolished now under the laws of South Sudan either through a referendum or unanimously agreed by people’s representatives and established a well-mixed five regions ethnically.

Secondly, ethnic identities be discourage and collective identity inclusive of all South Sudanese people be created.

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