PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

US should not embrace Khartoum at the expense of Nuba Mt., Blue Nile and Darfur

By David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan

Khartuom and Juba warring

October 26, 2016 (SSB) — The four words go together but mean the same; cheat, deceive, trick, and the fool. Don’t say how could you cheat on me? While you have been cheated long time ago! Richelle E. Goodrich said, “A liar deceives himself more than anyone, for he believes he can remain a person of good character when he cannot”, and it is better to be told a hurtful truth than to be told a comforting lie”

As a citizen of this country, I want response to those three articles published by the Sudan Tribune on Oct 21/10/2016, Juba, “U.S. calls on South Sudan to stop supporting Sudanese rebels”, Oct 21/10/2016, Juba, “Juba regrets U.S. call to severe ties with Sudanese rebels”, and 21/10/2016, Khartoum, “Sudan’s Bashir gives Juba two months to expel armed groups”.

These articles are all one mind set war of political propaganda, and political thought of fooling the foolish of incapable countries.  If the US officially issued the statement calling South Sudan government, and South Sudanese government regrets, and also President Bashir gives warning to South Sudan, then the three governments are all anger motorists with taxies that raise less than the price of useless policies.

But if the US is championing a game of rams knock back fighting, it is better to be told that although you are superpower government in the West, don’t make yourself a cunny fox among the wolves, otherwise the fighting of twenty one years, its roots are not yet cut off. But I have reasons to dispute the US wants because we heard the tune of American politicians over our affairs like concern for us, and tearing us in pieces on other side for their reasons they know.

What US is doing absolutely is a thought control, or thought of oppression in a controversial theory that human subjects can be indoctrinated in a way that causes “an impairment of autonomy, an inability to think independently, and a disruption of beliefs and affiliations.

Because brainwashing is such an invasive form of influence, it requires the complete isolation and dependency of the subject, which is why you mostly hear of brainwashing occurring in issues of border, and supports of rebels.

Brainwashing techniques typically follow a set of steps that are designed to break down a person’s thought patterns, which the US is gearing toward right side on South Sudan, and the left side on the Sudan that if you do this, I will do this and if you do that, you may find that!, woo South Sudan don’t support Sudan rebels, and you Sudan, don’t support south Sudan rebels- vise-versa. These are all white liars of speeding the war between the two states.

According to article issued on twenty first 2016, The U.S. State Department released a statement on Thursday, urging the world’s youngest nation to immediately comply. “The United States calls on the Government of the Republic of South Sudan to comply with its commitments to cease harboring or providing support for Sudanese armed opposition groups, as required by UN Security Council Resolution 2046 (2012).

Despite its obligations under international law and repeated agreements between the Government of the Republic of South Sudan and the Government of Sudan to end such support, credible reports continue to indicate the Government of the Republic of South Sudan is harboring and providing assistance to armed Sudanese opposition groups,” partly reads the strongly worded statement issued by Mark C. Toner, Deputy Department Spokesperson

“U.S. said it has got evidence that Juba is still harboring and supporting the Sudanese rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashir in Khartoum. Washington has also accused the Sudanese rebels of interfering in the internal conflict in South Sudan by fighting alongside President Kiir against opposition group led by former First Vice President, Riek Machar”

While in article written 21/10/2016 in Juba, “senior government’s officials including the Presidential Advisor on Security Affairs and the Minister of Defence described the statement by the United States as “unfortunate”, saying it could undermine current efforts to resolve security matters in the young country”.

And finally the article written in Khartoum on 21/10/2016 said, “Bashir statements come after a statement by the U.S. Department of State saying it has received “credible reports” that Juba continues to support and harbour the Sudanese rebel movements”

With none of these evidences now America government is a war mongering state accelerating inches of knocking heads of Sudanese and South Sudanese in a fresh war. Although I am South Sudanese, in fact there is no clear evident that South Sudan is harbouring Sudanese rebels in Juba, but Sudan with its own agenda, and America is with her own agenda, they becoming friends of the same journey. Suppose America would have been specific to Sudan.

The Sudan own agenda is to destabilizes South Sudan so that their prediction of South Sudan failure becoming true. Now the Sudan is harboring South Sudan rebels in Khartoum. Recently when Dr. Riek ran to Congo border, they rushed quickly for rescue him with help of America through humanitarian ground, they said, and Khartoum was the only nation receiving Machar by mean military intelligent plane.

There are number of South Sudanese rebels in Khartoum; Johnson Olony is there, Peter Gatdet Yak is there, and more others. Anti-South Sudan government conferences are conducted there in Khartoum. South Sudan rebels are trained there in Khartoum. Can America government gives us evident that South Sudan government has given Yarsir Arman, Malik Agar, and others residents in Juba, and allow them for political campaigns?

Now let US and Khartoum governments tell me; is there any conference conducted and documented in Juba against Khartoum government? Why do you joke with nonsense of mere defense? Or you mean if SPLM-North is named SPLM and ruling party in South Sudan is SPLM then they are still supporting themselves as names or being part of Southern Sudan rebel by then against Khartoum regime put fear in you?

In conclusion, the US has seen bilateral relationship between Sudan and South Sudan are closure and properly tied, and young nation is heading to normalcy, while peace lovers are working hard to restore back peace to South Sudan, then the US and her alliances who pretend to be more concern about deteriorating situation in the young nation are not at all happy for us to get rest, and develop our nation.

So it is easy for them to awaken old chapters Sudanese conflicts but I think it is not right to fuel war among nations if there is law governing international boundaries, and integrity of nations and department of US for foreign affairs must be held accountable for all messes in South Sudan.

Otherwise, it is not President Kiir who will be in charge of South Sudan national affairs for hundred years, and this kind of fake relationship will lead to distrust and hard tension between South Sudan and the US in the future, because we have seen naked policies of US against South Sudan which are supposed to be terminated until genuine commitment on side is change.

The author is a co-founder of South Sudan Mental Health Care Organization. He can be reach at

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