PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

The Community of Luacjang Dinka, Tonj, South Sudan

By William Abur, Melbourne, Australia

November 5, 2016 (SSB) — Luanyjang community is one of the many sub-communities of Dinka which has served tirelessly during the struggle of Sudan people Liberation army/ movement (SPLA/M). It is a community which her Sons and daughters have lost their lives in each family for the sack of protecting and supporting the SPLA/M objectives. It is a community which made contributions of cows, goats, sheep and crops to feed the SPLA/M during struggle years.

It is a community which refused to join the rebellion because there is no benefit for pushing for conflict within South Sudan. It is a community in which one her sons mentored our President Kiir Mayaridit when he was a young boy after the Addis Ababa Agreement (1972). It is a larger community within Tonji and a larger community compared to Gok State and Twi State in South Sudan. It is a community which was well recongnised during Britain colonised with international airport known as a Wuncui international airport.

It is a community in which none of her sons or daughters been promoted to any ministerial position before the independent after independent of the South Sudan. It is a community of 12 sections of sub-communities namely. 1 Kuok Section, 2-Atek Section, 3-Lian Section, 4-Abuong Section, 5-Pariak Section, 6- Athor Section, 7-Akok Section, 8-Baar Section, 9-Nyarnhom Section, 10 –Wunadel Section, 11-Wunthuc Section, 12-Ariau Section.

 It is a community which shared the borders with Nuer Bul from the North, Rek in the south, Nuer Kuei, Nuer Adok and Nuer Adol from the East and Agar Pakam from the southeast. It is a community which protects a large of part of Tonji from their enemies.

It is a community with its own resources of fertile land, cows, goats, sheep as well as many other animals that are good for tourists such as elephants, buffalos, giraffes, and rhinos, antelopes, lions, tigers, hyenas and etcetera. It is a community in which her land has oil, copper, silver, ore and zinc.

What is a point of telling this story?

Well, the writer felt that the sons and daughters of South Sudan have right to know the history and contribution of this community. They also have rights to know the challenges facing this community in term of recognitions and support from the government of South Sudan.

Yes, other communities within South Sudan have made similar contributions, but they have chosen to tell their history in different ways such rebellion and violence. The second point is that many citizens of Luacjang community do feel they are badly neglected by the government of South Sudan, and therefore, they have right to tell their story to the people of South Sudan.

Luacjang community has requested or applied to be one of the independent states of South Sudan and their application is still under a future consideration. The sons and daughters of this community are also requesting for any position in government as their right to ask for peaceful means like other communities in which their sons and daughters are holding key positions in the current government.

Yes, the current government may not have resources to accommodate the damages and expectations of sub-communities in South Sudan. However, the issue of this community is a case special in many ways given the few issues which have been highlighted above.

William Abur is a Ph.D. candidate at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia, finishing his Ph.D. research in areas of social work and sociology. He is also a social worker working in high school in student well-being area. You can reach via his email: William Abur

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