PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Aldo Ajou: I joined Dr. John Garang in 1992, the time the Jieng you despise were left alone to fight the war

By Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey, Juba, South Sudan

John Garang
John Garang’s prophecy

November 6, 2016 (SSB) — The writer, Majak Kuany Alier, assaulted me with article he said, was a reply to my article on the “root cause” of the ongoing war. I dismissed the allegations raised by a young man from Bor in which he blamed the JCE to have caused the 2013 violence.

He added further by blaming Greater Bahr el Ghazal and lack of leadership now and in the future. He went as far as saying that I, Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey, was not a member of SPLM and I must be dissociated. I was surprised and astonished on such gross accusations.

I decided to answer. An answer which I categorically confined to the root causes of recent 15 December 2013’s coup, violence and rebellion. To prove my determination of the causation of the 2013 violence, I had to cite “the SPLM leadership”. To trace the origin of violence, I found that violence and killings of children, women and elderly is foreign to our cultures and traditions.

I found that this culture of violence and Killings started 1983 following the war between Anya Nya two and the SPLM. If one recalls, many of our youth members died on the way to Ethiopia, They were killed indiscriminately by South Sudanese in the Anya Nya two.

I cited further the events of 1991 coup, the reconciliation between Nyandeeng and Riek in 2012, on behalf of the 2000 citizens who were intentionally massacred in 1991/1992. And finally the division of the SPLM, in 2013, which amounted to the present violence and war.

Am I abrasive, destructive, divisive and a tribalist, simply because I have related the root cause with SPLM? These people who think that South Sudan is their inheritance, must revise their attitudes towards others. They must know that history cannot be rewritten, but it is a self-recorded literature.

Please note that I joined Dr. John Garang de Mabior in 1992. I left from Bashir’s Assembly and went to London. I resigned my post as a Deputy Speaker of the Sudan National Assembly while in London and sought asylum.

I Joined Dr. John when things were not good, after the defections of senior SPLA officers in 1991-1993. The time the Jieng you despise, were left alone at Nimule to fight the war.

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