RIP Comrade “Adun Cin Daam”: Tributes and Salutations to Artist David Garang Deng
Tributes, Homages and Salutations to one of the eminent South Sudanese artists, David Garang Deng Aguer, popularly known as “Adun Ciin Daam”
By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

December 28, 2016 (SSB) — With distress and grieve you will be missed David, never did you see the morning and evening of 27 December 2016 deep into the New Year 2017 which you have just missed by 5 days, lifeless feverish had just taken hold of you on the gloomy evening of 26 December 2016 and greatly robbed your loving relatives, friends, colleagues and people of South Sudan of your precious soul and comforting Art.
Dear David; with heavy heart and watery eyes, I salute your wholesome comradeship, your energetic and visionary dream as the bible says ‘‘Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful givers’’ 2 Corinthians 9:7 of which you have bravely responded to without reservations.
Dear David; you have given the people of South Sudan a complete and connected switch that will remains in history, your humble songs did not only entertain us but have united and counseled our minds that have been traumatized by the long wars of liberation, preciously when the need for counseling and awareness was high, your nationalistic songs of freedom have opened up veins and arteries of peace, love, unity and awareness.
David Garang was an adorable artist and a humble gentleman, his music has inspired and had comforted many souls through his life-wadding creativity and wordings, David Garang musical career began in 1995 in Kakuma Refugee Camp where he jingled Church songs using his traditionally made guitar, at the middle of every night Garang would precisely and beautifully tune his funny made guitar into a singing rhythm as his neighbours attentively followed and steal into the vocal of his beautiful voice.
David Garang musical career came to show while in Nairobi in the year 2002 after his music coding power was noticed by Pilipili a renowned Kenyan Musician and a friend who told him to roll out his amusing talent into the music pot, his gospel hit song of Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord! hene piou loyum and songaa nitatike, Deejeey cheza ngoma rolled the rock down the mountain in Kakuma in the Year 2005, David Garang with Lam Tungwar, Manasseh Mathieng, Coozos Clan, Marial Awuok, Lawless YB and Southern Voice together with others musicians formed South Sudan Artist Association (SSAA) initially in Nairobi and later in Juba.
David Garang popularly known as Adun Ciin Daam conquered South Sudan Music industry as earlier as 2006 when he devotedly welcome back the people of South Sudan with his hit songs of Ya chape Sudan da hiyina beled be taana, Sudan jediit Sudan el musawa and Aca ping aca ping men nengen adun ciin daam Sudan jediitda beled nina aca ping.
David Garang talent was felt and witnessed, he was energetic and inspiring, his creativity and skills were indescribable, and his passing is a great blow to the Music family in South Sudan and the entire nation in which he wholly dedicated his time and effort to educate, aware and comfort through his patriotic and national sensational songs.
But now that he has gone, May the Almighty God Bless and Rest His Humble Soul in Eternal Peace.
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