PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

“The unknown Murle criminal will be known this dry season,” Governor Philip Aguer

By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei State

H.E. Philip Aguer governor of Jonglei state addressing council today picture by Mach Samuel.jpg
The Governor of Jonglei state H.E. Philip Aguer addressing cabinet today picture by Mach Samuel

January 3, 2017 (SSB) — “When we join hand with Boma and South Sudan army the unknown criminal will be know this dry season. They will be known who they are and how the different themselves from other Murle community. Governor Philip Aguer told the council of ministers this afternoon during the swearing in ceremony of the new deputy governor, Dr. Agot ALier Leek, political advisor Lith Aluong Kang, minister for finance James Akech Yen Alier and Ayom Mach Jok the education minister.

Some criminals have started opposing the agreement signed between the government of Boma and Jonglei State witnessed by UNMISS and other agencies on 4th December 2016. The agreement was reached to stop child abduction, cattle raiding killing of innocent women and children at the country side by suspected Cobra faction elements that seemly supporting Khalid Butrus but the situation has worsen.

17 people were killed in Jalle mid December and 5 others killed in Baping area of Dachuek community of Twic Central County. There were also counter attacks on the people of Bor including another attack in Jalle, Gadiang and Bangachorot killing several others and wounding dozens.

The governor of Jonglei state said “we lost people in Gadiang, Jalle and we lost cattle we are committed that the cattle that were taken from Gadiang and Jalle must be brought back, we and the army are preparing so that the Transitional government of National Unity TGoNU starts moving to address the issue of criminal in Boma state.”

Baba is in Juba I will join him so that we request a force to go to Linkuangulei probably I will go to Juba to make join request for army that will go to Likuangulei tomorrow.

This year the government will address the issue of criminal who are abducting and raiding cattle. The area where the criminal will be operating will be small. The government will spearhead another meeting attended by 14 county commissioners, youth leaders, and chiefs to brainstorming on the worsening security situation in the area. The meeting will be conducted outside Bor town.

The governor said the year 2016 was year of the unexpected including the election of Donald trump, nevertheless, he assured of peace and prosperity for Jonglei state and the neighbors.

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