PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Gen. Paul Malong for Humanity and a Just Intervention for Peace and Stability

By Deng Kur Deng, Pennsylvania, USA

January 25, 2017 (SSB) — It is unimaginably heartbreaking to see families losing their family members and worst of all losing the elderly, women, and children. It is very unfortunate that children are not spared and this has troubled many of us who are advocates for children. In fact, many are potentially terrified by such activities carried out in the name of tribal connection. Some of the things people are saying that these kinds of issues are inevitable consequences of retaliation with little remorse to families who are suffering as a result. These are the reasons why General Paul Malong is courageously encouraged to take the humanity aspect of the situation and just intervene for peace on those who are destabilizing the country by targeting certain groups based on ethnicity, particularly the most innocent lives out of all things.

Families have endured significant challenges as some parts of South Sudan become practically lawless without consciousness and consideration of human lives. Our conscience as people is fading day by day and this is a serious concern worth reflecting on for better intervention. More often than not, many politicians have exploited people of Equatoria for their personal interests when the people in fact do not matter to them in the end. Now, there is this unfounded news that has spread discomforts among many citizens and therefore, we would like the army to be more conspicuous in the wave of what is considered genocide uttered by various outsiders.

It is obvious that those people who are being exploited are the least important in the lenses of those leaders who have time and time again exploited them for their own benefits. Those who are manipulated to carry out infamous and insincere strategies are less likely to achieve something positive for the welfare of the people. Violence that does not spare children, elderly, and women must be dealt with attentively and the elements that are involved in the areas must be transformed to make the environment livable through eradication of the enemy of peace.

Now, there has been enough words spread about the anticipated genocide in South Sudan, which I don’t believe General Malong would want himself to be known for such infamous strategy in South Sudan. And if this is true, I am angrily and inquisitively eager to know what standards are being followed that deem genocide in South Sudan and who is behind it because it can’t be Malong’s order to eliminate tribe or tribes? At the same time, I would like insecurity in Juba Yei and Nimule’s roads address immediately and amicably without suffering of innocent civil population.

I have hoped that the peace will return to the people through those whose intentions are meant to address the root of the problems facing innocent people.  It is obviously less bold to transfer your frustration towards groups of people who are incapable of defending themselves, so many were shocked by the incidents that touched the nerves of many South Sudanese because there was nothing equivalent to endangering lives of children, women, and elderly. This is a bad thing to do as it has no values in humanity, so it is collective responsibility of Paul Malong and the army to reach out for the vulnerable population.

It is the moral obligation for General Malong to ensure those innocent lives are protected at all cost. Mostly lawful citizens are the ones being targeted; therefore, the courage of General Malong is needed to prevent tragedies. This recklessness must be put to an end for the safety of all citizens and the man to achieve it is Paul Malong.

Even though I didn’t express my anger early on— I remain concerned about the welfare of those who are easily targeted and these are the reasons why a vibrant leader of the army is needed to deal with these problems that are unexplainable to South Sudanese communities in and out of the country.

Yes, the country is struggling financially, but the government has managed to tackle serious issues before, but many are concerned with things we have already seen such as a child who survived horrific scene of humiliation and mass killings that are ethnically motivated on roads to Juba. I couldn’t believe we are doing these to ourselves after the people overwhelmingly have put up appalling sacrifices that lead to independent of South Sudan.

I urge the South Sudanese to allow the army to liberate the people from those who are turning against innocent lives. Obviously, there are no better ways to address the problem rather than relying on the power of the army at large, however, the army must be very mindful to avoid being accused of genocide. This wouldn’t give generals leverage to hurt innocent people but to protect them.

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