PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Makiir Gai Thiep: A man with business eye of kindness

By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan

January 25, 2017 (SSB) — If a man could be applauded for a job well done, then nothing muggy can prevent the scene colouring of Mr. Makiir Gai Thiep, a man who has devotedly laid his sleeping mat under the shade of humanity and nationhood, Makiir Gai is a man who has testified before the provider of fortune that having heavy basket of rewards does not deepen the hole of socialization and caring or prohibit one’s feet from the door of the less providential ones.

Makiir Gai with his national space of giving hand where hands are short has been demonstrated in a number of gracious occasions as in the case of Wau inmates, where he paid the fines of those who have been fined with money and also provided transportation cash assistants to the notoriously reformed hard felonies as a challenge to their rudeness, careless and unkindness.

Makiir Gai money are never used for intimidation and bad dealings as such he wholeheartedly donated 1 million SSP to the victims and families of Maridi fuel tank incidence, singly he has numerous schools, hospitals and boreholes in Greater Warrap and a number of other national investments across South Sudan which are currently offering national services to the people of South Sudan.

With open hand and heart Makiir Gai Thiep demonstrate how national duties can be shared cohesively and that was demonstrated when he donated 100,000 SSP to Bright Stars during South Sudan and Mauritania match, oiled by his previous and  voluntary support to the national owned Television SSTV.

Makiir Gai Never give a cool eye when he see the reasons for filling the breached hole, recently after H.E. the President announce the National Dialogue, Makiir Gai with his usual  rejoinder has promised to carter for the welfare of the chiefs who are going to participate in the National Dialogue.

The astonishing promise of bringing chiefs of South Sudan from the rural settlements amid intensive insecurity and poor roads across the Republic of South Sudan was revealed at his resident in Juba during the New Year 2017 coming together ceremony that he organized and attended by over 600 chiefs and assistants.

Makiir Gai appealed to all chiefs in the country to encourage intermarriages among tribes, a practice he looked at as the only way to restore harmony and trust among the citizens of South Sudan.

Makiir Gai with his dogma characters is undeniably the man of promises and accomplishment. Makiir Gai business policies are actually raining on the super high wall of the expectations; Makiir Gai is a great humanitarian who never raises his fortune stick above the dancing crown.

Whoever lends his ears to his speech is always inspired by his generous analysis of universal meaning of life.

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4 thoughts on “Makiir Gai Thiep: A man with business eye of kindness

    1. Thank Kur Wel Kur, South Sudan healing and development will come only when we expose some positivities than relying on the negative ones. I like your usual takes brother, be blessed.

      1. Thanks, my brother, Awuol Gabriel. Surely, we shall overcome and our country will accelerate toward development and permanent coexistence.

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