PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Appealing to fellow Kakuma men/women around the world: Let’s help the kids of Rev. John Kuol Lueth

My Humble Appeal to Old Golden Days in Kakuma: To all Brethrens and Sisters in Christ, Let’s show our solidarity to our brother/friend/mentor/teacher, Rev. John Kuol Lueth and his Family

By Reuben G. Panchol, USA

February 3, 2017 (SSB) — First and foremost, I am here by extending my overdue condolence to the widow and children of the dear brother, friend, shepherd, mentor and teacher to most of us (the Jal wo liec (Dupioc) and Remthi (youth and Sunday-school) of golden days in Kakuma Refugee Camp), The late Rev. John Kuol Lueth Aweer.

This morning of February 2, 2017, I stumbled on this Piece which was written by my long time friend and colleague Rev. Emanuel Agook Kon Kuol and published by Borglobe website; the passing of Dear Mentor Rev. John Kuol Lueth. I was shocked to read that Mr. Kuol is not among us anymore. May Lord Almighty rest his soul in the eternal life?

Dear brethrens and sisters in Christ, especially to all my fellow Dupioc (JWL), Youth and Sunday-School of the good olden days (1990s-2000s) of Kakuma Refugee; you are now the fathers, mothers, shepherds, and mentors of the next generations, I am here by appealing to all of you in the four compass directions and all the corners of the world; wherever the life has landed you to at the moment.

Please, hear my humble voice and let’s chip in and stretch our hands farther to help remain souls of our brother in Christ, Rev. John Kuol Lueth. I know we are all overloaded by our own responsibilities which are dumped upon us by the age and the politics of the country, but please, hear my voice and add this tiny piece of sand into your existence loads.

For those who might forgotten of who the late was! Please allow me to remind you of the things I still remember about the great brother Rev. John Kuol Lueth.

  • He use to resided in zone three parish compound,
  • He was blinded at young age, but disability is not inability is his world,
  • Talented and gifted in playing instruments e.g. Drums and accordion,
  • Read the Bible off his head,
  • A man that doesn’t easily forget your name and voice once you introduce yourself to him, and
  • Taught Dinka hymnals with amazing melody

Here are some of the hymnals that I vividly remember every day since 1993. On one bright Sunday morning in 1993 in great glowing sun of Kakuma under the acacia trees; which were worship place for Sunday-School in Zone three; that was prior to fragmentation of church into three zones, he taught us Psalm 95 (Dit de David 95) which goes

A Call to Worship and Obedience

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord!
Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving;
Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
For the Lord is the great God,
And the great King above all gods.
In His hand are the deep places of the earth;
The heights of the hills are His also.
The sea is His, for He made it;
And His hands formed the dry land.

Oh come, let us worship and bow down;
Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
For He is our God,
And we are the people of His pasture,
And the sheep of His hand.

Today, if you will hear His voice:
“Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion,[
As in the day of trial[
b] in the wilderness,
When your fathers tested Me;
They tried Me, though they saw My work.
10 For forty years I was grieved with that generation,
And said, ‘It is a people who go astray in their hearts,
And they do not know My ways.’
11 So I swore in My wrath,
‘They shall not enter My rest.’”

My favorite verses are 8 and 9.

Another memory that Rev. John Kuol, left for me is his melody; when teaching us a dinka hymnal which goes:

”Araau de mac, abiliny de mac; araau de mac ci yecu deep ayen ne wo col cukku ye doc gam. Araau de mac nyin akaar……..”

My humble petition to all of you brethrens and sisters in Christ is to dedicate a little we have; let’s say about $20 per year for next five years toward helping our dear brother/friend/mentor/teacher and above a father to two handsome boys and two beautiful girls whom he left with us to take care of . Although I wasn’t around when Mr. John Kuol left this life; I am sure he believed and trusted in his mind that he left his children among his trusted friends, colleagues, mentees, brethrens and sisters in Christ.

Therefore, let’s us prove our trust through our deeds/actions and prayers. I am confidence that one of his offspring is gifted and talented like their great father. Dear brother Rev. John Kuol Lueth Aweer, rest in Peace and the peace of the lord will guard your children and their dearly mother.

Thank you in advance for cooperation, thankful gifts, and prayers and above all the friendship you have shown to our Brother Rev. John Kuol Lueth Aweer’s family in his absence.

Please, you can contact Rev. Emanuel Agook Kon Kuol for more deal at or 832-396-4109.


Yrs Faithful brother in Christ, Reuben G. Panchol

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