PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

Jonglei 2016 Report: 46 children abducted, over 100 lives wasted, over 15,000 herd of cattle raided

By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei State

February 5, 2017 (SSB) — The office of the governor of Jonglei state, department of Radio Unit corps has released 2016 security report. The report painstakingly discloses the number of attacks, children abducted, people killed during the invasions, wounded victims and amount of cattle raided.

In the report, 46 children have been abducted, 92 innocent lives have been lost, 101 others wounded and 15,611 herds of cattle and 4,323 goats raided by Murle armed men over the period of 12 months from January 2016 to December 2017.

21 incidents occurred in Twic East counties, 29 incidents took place in Duk and seven incidents transpired in Bor counties. The total number of a counter attacks recorded in the year 2016 was 57 attacks in different areas of Greater Bor (Jonglei state).

The international community, transitional and government of south Sudan and the two state authorities have not been in position to return the stolen cattle, compensate the lives lost or reach everlasting solution to settle this conflict despite many attempts of peace conferences held either in Pibor or Bor town.

Many villages especially in Jonglei state have been deserted. And hundreds of thousands of cattle have been moved to Equatoria region for safety.

The government of Jonglei state has always seeks to resolve the outstanding issues between Bor and Murle communities peacefully. Nevertheless on many counts, the Murle have dishonored 12 agreements signed in the span of 52 years.

If over 40 children can be abducted, over 90 innocent lives wasted, 101 others wounded and over 15,000 herds of cattle raided by Murle armed men over the period of one year then, one can imagine with the polarization of small arms and commercialization of abducted children the number of cattle raided, innocent women, children and vulnerable people killed over the period of 52 years.

You can reach the author via his email:  Mach Samuel Peter <>

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1 thought on “Jonglei 2016 Report: 46 children abducted, over 100 lives wasted, over 15,000 herd of cattle raided

  1. Thanks to the office of governor for this vital of the year 2016 report. I would aspect other governors who governed Jonglei before would have fed us with this facts events of murle crimes against humanity in Jonglei state. Keep this report for further evident against murle from now and in future.

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