Juba Condemns Khartoum for “unfriendly statement” from President Bashir on an alleged Egyptian support for South Sudan
Press Release: Juba Condemns Khartoum for “unfriendly statement” from President Bashir on an alleged Egyptian support for South Sudan

February 24, 2017 (SSB) — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of South Sudan has read with dismay the unfriendly statement alleged to have been made by the Sudanese President Omer Hassan El-Bashir, during the press briefing on his return from Abu Dhabi to Khartoum, on Tuesday 21st Feb. 2017, that the Egyptian Government continues to support South Sudan with arms and ammunitions.
The Republic of South Sudan is disturbed by this unfortunate, unfounded and baseless statement, especially because it came at a time that the two Countries and the whole region have agreed to exert more collective efforts towards the realization of peace and stability in the IGAD region.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, through this press release, would like to send a clear message to the region and world-over, that South Sudan upholds its commitment to the regional peace initiative, maintains the highest level of bilateral relations with the Republic of Sudan based on the spirit of the Cooperation agreement signed between the two Countries in September 2012 in Addis Ababa.
South Sudan does not only express its political commitment to the Cooperation Agreement, but holds its strong obligation to the security sector in the said agreement to ensure the prevalence of sustainable peaceful co-existence between the two countries. South Sudan also upholds on the highest level of historic and bilateral relations with Egypt and all the neighboring Countries across the region.
The Ministry, therefore, calls on the leadership of the sisterly Country, Sudan, not to forget its responsibility to work with South Sudan in the spirit of the Cooperation agreement and to address any issue that may arise between the two neighboring Countries through dialogue and direct communications at leadership level and diplomatic channels. There is no way Sudan and South Sudan can abandon each other, because both countries share the longest border in the region, which needs special attention from their respective leaders.
South Sudan as a sovereign state has the right to protect its territorial integrity and has the right to solicit support from any Country in the world based on mutual interests. We appreciate the level of cooperation with Egypt. Egypt’s role in providing Humanitarian Assistance, capacity building, health and education, among others, to the people of South Sudan remains unforgettable.
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