Office of the Governor: Press Statement on Security Situation in Jonglei State
Office of the Press Secretary of the Governor of Jonglei State

February 24, 2017 (SSB) —- Today 23rd February 2017, we scheduled council of ministers extra ordinary meeting also attended by the advisors and our focus is the security situation in Jonglei State. Our security situation is relatively calm and our major challenge is cattle rustling and child abduction.
We had tried in the past to conduct peace building with Boma state but of recent the child abduction and cattle raiding escalate to the extent we lost 15,000 herds of cattle and more than 2000 goats and over 40 children abducted in less than a year.
This situation we have forwarded to the national government. We have appeal for support from ministry of interior and ministry of defense so that the children abducted and cattle raided returned. We have also forwarded the formation of the joint integrated police compose of all the four states of Jonglei state to be trained in one place and deployed to the areas of sensitivity where the cattle rustlers surpass.
This 2,000 joint integrated police is a way forward. It will be composed of all the ethnic groups in Jonglei state. They will be trained as a team to stop cattle rusting and child abduction
This plan has not got funding yet, but we hope the united nation mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and the government of the Republic of South Sudan will find a way to fund this program because the stability of Jonglei State is being disturbed by this cattle rustling and child abduction.
The police in Jonglei is poorly equipped and they are not armed definitely they could not do anything to stop this cattle rustling. The responsibility is left to the cattle owners which is dangerous because as the government we are responsible to protect the civilians and their properties and when the civilians take the responsibility to protect themselves and their properties this become quos.
We are still appealing to the Boma state so that the traditional leaders and local government device ways and we all together device means to stop this.
We shall continue to call upon the national government in Juba to intervene so that the cattle raided and children abducted are returned. This is in response to the National dialogue all over the south. We will continue to response to the dialogue and as of today we are ready to dialogue at the level of greater Jonglei. We hope the rest of the states, Bieh and Fangak will stabilize.
The government of the Republic of South Sudan is in full control of all the Greater Jonglei areas and the dialogue will continue.
Thank you very much
Compiled by Mach Samuel Peter
Press Secretary of the Governor of Jonglei State
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